The reason why I did that a couple of times because I found myself liking him a lot. How on earth you live with him is beyond me. I was his one true love and he made sure I see to it. We're in this together! If not, anything goes honestly. Thats highly dependent on what exactly it is. We all have an inheritance awaiting, a eternal total ingeritence we cannot lose nor deny. But I finally told her I am exhausted in trying to prove myself. You are ready to deepen your bond, to fully commit to a future together. She enjoys being with people, but she rarely initiates social contact. Things just work between us and the love that is growing feels very natural and it feels like all the wounds of my past cant hold me back and I am a kid falling in love for the first time again. I want the emotional connection when it comes to sex. so instead saying candle lit dinner, your bulb blew, i got some candles, i might even cook you some food Some of the most endearing qualities of Pisces men are that they are even tempered,flexible, adaptable,arent greedy and materialistic, isnt threatened or intimidated by a strong independent woman and support their women. And the Pisces man is able enough to show her that he is not in the relationship just for her heart and body but for her intellectual mind as well. Here's the trick to reel your Pisces back in. If these two actually do meet, Pisces man will be attracted to the confidence that Aquarius woman has in herself. First. It makes rain, covering you with emotions even when you are not looking to get wet! 4. The Aquarius woman is strong, independent, blunt in what she says, tells the truth, and is an adventurer at heart. Sorry. I no longer need a woman in my life again. If Im putting in the effort then the commitment is already there. GOOD LUCK to all Aquarius ladies b/c its not easy to be one. 14) its never enough keep em coming. Do Pisces men like when their gfs/wives make hot home cooked meals for them? Were always guessing where we stand in someones life. So, here are some things I am curious about a Pisces man : 1. I really wanted her to be happy. The man that will devote the MOST of his TIME to me. Honey, just a smart piece of adviseGET OUT while you still are alive and can. Aquarius woman will definitely break up with Pisces man if she knows the connection isnt enough for her. As the zodiac cycle nears the 12th house, the zodiacs become softer, more introspective, and creative. On the other hand he spend his whole life searching for me. They also care more about society as a whole than themselves. Love it. An Aquarius woman will never be as emotionally available as a Pisces man needs, and she will have to learn to be more in touch with her feelings and sensitive towards her partner. if you love her, go get her. I did not do well with the fire or air signs. They like it when the man pulls back a bit and isnt quite so enthusiastic to start out. It said aquarius female is the cold one think someone should read this all over. The 3 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Be Drawn To Your Sign - Bustle She is ruled by the planet of Neptune, also known as the God of the sea. Including her by sharing your dreams and thoughts would make her feel you value her opinion and trust her in your vulnerability.Aquarius appreciates honesty no matter how brutal it is so never worry about offending her even if it means telling her that you dont love her.Aquarius believes in hurt me with the truth but dont comfort me with the lies.Only an evolved and mature Pisces man can walk alongside a mature and evolved Aquarius woman. Then he still wanted to spend time together but I started to feel insecure. The typical Aquarius and Pisces compatibility in friendship is not the strongest bond, although these two can learn a lot from one another and may enjoy each others company. Thanks. Mine has served his country all his life, mentors youd boys and men and a constant companion to his true friends. I will NOT be involved with a man without chemistry or feeling for that man. If this relationship doesnt last, according to this description Im beelining for a Pisces man! 2. You are right when an aquarian woman truly love.. which comes after being good friend we love all the way n give it all!! Their bodies can go through the motions and sex can be great, but they wont feel completely bonded until their minds completely come together. This is it I found the one. However, they are both dreamers and tend to think outside of the box. More conservative children may be embarrassed by what they see as eccentricities of their parents, but they may be the envy of their friends for having such cool parents. Be straight so we can set our minds on how to deal with stuff We have a true bond. 16) it cool with me. I so feel for you fellow aquarius woman, I broke up with the love of my life, a Pisces man 30 years ago, who was my best friend and soul mate, I hang my head in shame and married an angry and violent Capricorn just to move as far away on the other side of the planet to not have to bear seeing him marry someone else I had it all- the most romantic, selfless, caring and loyal Pisces boyfriend and I made the worst mistake in my life when I left him out of my own insecurity.I hope one day he can forgive me, my heart belongs to him forever. Pisces, of course, will appreciate this, because essentially on a subconscious level, the Aquarians are the protectors of the Pisces vision. But Id prefer not to be one at all for personal and logical reasons. They dont like men to suffocate them. Even though this sign has a reputation for independence, when an Aquarius woman gets into a relationship, she is very stable. Moon In Pisces Man - His Love, Sex and Intimacy Traits - Astrology India WHAT? Aquarius Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? (I hate sounding so harsh, sometimes lol ). Do Scorpio and Aquarius Match? I say you tell her how you feel and she will understand. It is true. WKR. An Aquarius and Pisces marriage is unlikely to occur in the first place, and if it does, it is unlikely to last. This will allow you both to explore your individual interests, giving you more to talk about when you get together again. Its rather a tossup dependent on their individual decisions. Show him how much you care every day. I was cautious but I understand now, that I was hers from the first time I looked into her eyes. Weve been together for 10 years so far (and hopefully more) and he is the sweetest and kindest person Ive ever known in my entire life. A Pisces man is drawn to an Aquarius woman's quirky, unique personality, while an Aquarius lady is intrigued by a Pisces guy's quiet, introspective nature. Ive been on a few dates with my Aquarius man and Im a Capricorn woman in the past 4mos. Trust is another thing between them that may work well. 10. An Aquarius woman collects friends. 14. For the last year I spent trying to JUST BE FRIENDS with her (and nothing more until we were both ready) the entire year which I never do for any woman. At least not easily. he says things that makes me feel like he is cheating but other times the way he is with me makes me feel like it is impossible for him to be with another woman. Thinking back on our relationship, it was someone else who first pointed out that they thought we would be good for each other. Aquarius and Pisces actually are capable of complimenting one another and the love making is off the charts since they are so compatible that way. Lots of people mistakenly think water and air elements don't go together. He can put himself in anybody's shoes and his empathy is huge. He is also my best friend in the whole world. what do you mean by when the energy changes between us? I really feel as if we are connected the most in that moment. What a regret and a total waste of those yearsBut they are gone and Ill NEVER get them back unfortunately I am an aquarius woman in love with a pisces man. These houses are extremely well-connected. Wow! Making a Pisces male angry is like witnessing a very different and stern side of him, but this rarely happens. You must be really careful because if she isnt contacting you at all now then it means shes not interested. But the thing Ive learned from relationships especially the one with my Aquarian, is that communication is so important. He also has his head in the clouds and has so many opportunities/aspirations he wants to accomplish and I love listening to them, but Im also the level head that reigns them in and figures out what we need to do to accomplish them. I will always be his friend, he is a fun person to hang out with but not in a relationship. Thats highly dependent on the situation. If its something trivial then logic dictates that forgiveness should be an easy enough thing to do. 12) my father was a piecies and he was an amazing father. I really dont like saying it but these two have a high likelihood of ending anything that theyve started. Romance and intimacy are highlights of their relationship, but difficulties may arise. Which is something these fire and air sign men are terrible about! Aquarius woman also loves her personal freedom. He will use emotional blackmail to make me behave the way he wants. I am still a little confused whether or not you are an Aries Rising. cell number, but has never contacted me. Also, an Aquarius woman is set in her ways and does not like to be told what to do, and because a Pisces man is so adaptable, he will easily adjust to her. He emotionally tortures me if I even dont do the dishes. Do Pisces men love an affectionate woman who loves to hug,kiss and cuddle a lot or is it too much? WKR in N.C. Im a Pisces male in a relationship with a younger Aquarian woman. Pisces men are naturally empathetic. There is not much chemistry between these signs, and they are not natural partners for each other. Aries Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? I didnt mind too much that she did, saying that if another man loves her, then he is doing for me what I have not been able to do (after I had gotten over my jealousy and anger. Pisces can be more instinctively nurturing to an Aquarius; they can still open them up sexually but also offer something that Aquarius craves and Scorpio often neglectsromance, emotional intimacy, and originality. I love her and really enjoy our sex together. In her youth, Aquarius woman likes to keep her options open and this could make her have a fling or two. HONEY I was married to a Pisces man for 33 years. Sagittarius Man And Pisces Woman - Compatibility in Love and Life Consecutive signs often share traits, regardless of element. It was so intense. Jupiter makes the Pisces man so understanding, that he will try his best to understand his partner's need for freedom. I am just dating several (typical Aquarius) and trying to find one that I am suitable for and that is also suitable for meThe truth will prevail hopefully by the end of spring. Find a woman in my area! Fuck games. They can form a bond that could possibly last but it will be work on both of their parts and whether or not they want to do it is up in the air. Not sure exactly why you would say that, as I was married to one for 34.5 years. Maybe prefer the woman to say it first. This is something that can happen in any relationship; if you don't have your own inner strength yet and haven't learned how you stand in the world, combining your energy with someone else's is going to be messy.