We repeat: Not everything that glitters is gold. When it comes to choosing between fight and flight, know that flight would just be the easy way out. Something tells us you are in the process of working through the layers and unearthing a brand new version of yourself. Cosmic tip: Contemplate on what effortless effort means and how you can adopt this mantra. If you can, give yourself a moment to rest before you burn out again. But, youve got to take your chances, Leo. Youre embracing a live and let live type of mentality. There isnt anything you can do to them that will make them part ways with you. Keep your boundaries up and dont give in so easily. Cosmic tip: Step into the quantum field of miracles! The reason for the recent shift in your mindset is that you are opting to mend fences instead of dragging out the drama in an effort to have chill relationships with your friends and family. Your intuition may be playing tricks on you. When it comes to matters of the heart, youre being encouraged to take more chances. Your Weekly Horoscope: February 13, 2023 to February Instead of regifting the presents you got from friends, you can make a change in the chain of giving and treat yourself to something thats been on your wish list for a while. If they see that youre being productive, they wont oppose the relationship too much. Know that your desires are sacred. Nutrition and wellness are also important themes for you. You're in the mood to share yourself completely with that one special someone. As such, the waning moon is bringing good juju to your love life as well. You have to trust your intuition and gut. Youre ready for a new look in 2023. Weekly Horoscope: Possibility Is All Around You. Are they empathetic towards your needs and wants? Whats in: Loyalty + commitment + emotional maturity + accountability + communication. The weekly horoscope ahead brings a lot of intense vibes to our interpersonal relationships. Your Weekly Horoscope: December 12, 2022 to December 18, You have the power to manifest anything you want and implement the changes that can usher you towards living your best life. Weekly Horoscope: February 26 - March 4. You need your own love, care and tenderness before anybody else. Profession: "Improvement" is the mantra for March 2023. Youre overwhelmed, Virgo. Now's the time to make your dreams happen. You totally have feelings and want to run off into the sunset with them, but you arent sure if theyre going to play you or not. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. So, trust yourself and trust the process. Let go of the resistance and let go of the need to have your desires manifest in accordance with your timelines. So, change out of those sweatpants, will you? All rights reserved. What may or may not work in your favor: partnerships of all kinds. Dont worry, be happy! The only thing that truly matters is how *you* feel, at this moment and whether or not you feel connected to your purpose. Cosmic tip: How would you rewrite the story if you had the chance to? However, that is no reason for you to take out your moods and other people. Weekly Horoscope: January 1 - January 7 | Teen Vogue Lets explore! It doesnt matter what other people think or dont think. 2023 Nervora Fashion, Inc. and Cond Nast International. This is your reminder to walk your demons to the exit door and to create space for the emotional intimacy you desire and deserve. The physical is just as important as the emotional and the spiritual. Weekly Horoscope: January 22 - January 28 | Teen Vogue Having an open heart and mind is crucial this week. Although this weekly horoscope marks the first week of the new year, we may feel as though little has actually changed. We get it, Gemini. Cosmic tip: Tune your internal radio frequency to gratitude. Let your astrological sign help you focus your energy this week. When it comes to love, stability is the magic word. This is your reminder to honor the energy of your inner god/goddess. The weekly horoscope ahead is full of choice. If theres anything growing up has taught you, its that not everybody deserves a spot in your sacred circle. To avoid this situation from occurring, put a pin in the banter and sassy behavior if theyre not up for it. We get it, Aries. But, the flaw in this plan is that you sometimes end up investing in those who may not be willing to make an effort with you. Sometimes you have to allow yourself to be absolutely lazy and absolutely unproductive, so you can receive all the love and light the Universe is sending your way right now. All rights reserved. We get it, Scorpio. Be gentle, be kind, and be compassionate towards yourself. life. Some of you may be feeling the opposite of mushy, and thats okay too. Observe whats holding you back from receiving as you make space for what has always been yours! According to Numerology, 2023 ( 2 + 0 + 2 + 3) is a number 7 year. PS: Start by going easy on the takeout, honey! Maybe its magic. You have nothing to prove to anybody, Taurus. The only problem with this is that your interests tend to fade in a blink of an eye. The Universe is testing your resolve to see whether or not youre willing to level up like you say you are. Its time to take a giant leap in the direction of growth with the inner knowing that Spirit has your back. Learning to accept the mistakes youve made and actually being accountable for your actions will lead you toward a better way of thinking in the new year. New opportunities dont always need to come from an external source though you should always keep your eyes and ears open for them. Also, it will help in building confidence and rejuvenating the soul. Weekly Horoscope: Does It Feel Like Everyone's Unravelling? Its time to put on your shiniest suit and become a magnet for opportunities that will propel you in the direction of growth. But that is totally dependent on the amount of admiration and respect you are being given from your partner. To slow down. Basically, take a step back to appreciate your wonderful existence and those who are lucky enough to be a part of it. We all love a whirlwind romance, dont we? Your affirmation for the day: I am free. Only you will know what the vibe is. You feel like you need to do it all, fix it all, transmute it all. Having an open heart and mind is crucial this week. Surface level interactions arent cutting it for you this week. All you have to do is take that first step. Plan a pedicure over the weekend with a bunch of pals and to get your mind on another love story (other than your own) or head to the movies for a distraction. FWB or close pals is the best you can do and give considering the past. Weekly Horoscope Its safe for you to let your guard down. Whats in the stars for you? Your Weekly Horoscope: February 27, 2023 to March 5, 2023, Your Weekly Horoscope: February 20, 2023 to February 26, 2023, Your Weekly Horoscope: February 6, 2023 to February 12, 2023, Your Weekly Horoscope: January 30, 2023 to February 5, 2023. Youre in a constant state of awe and wonder at all that there is and all that is yet to unfold. Title the first *Things I can do* and the second *Things I surrender to the Universe*. If youve been longing for peace and quiet, you may be able to find it this week, but only if you step aside and avoid confrontation with others. TBH, this is the best method to get your point across without causing major rifts in your relationships. Its time to peel away yet another layer of conditioning. Before you know it, youll be a self-aware person who is able to comprehend themselves on an intimate level. Even though your world seems chaotic right now, remember that things are happening *for* and not to you. Youre feeling lost and lonely. The weekly horoscope ahead brings a calmer vibe to our lives. Just remember to maintain that sense of balance you are best known for by scheduling a spa day in the middle of the week or getting some vitamin D at the nearest park. Let the stars decide your fate this week. Weekly Horoscope: Relationships? The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached, or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Nervora Technology, Inc. and Cond Nast International. They are going through a lot of changes and need your guidance through it all. It is *you* who call the shots. Their inability to make you feel seen and heard in the way that you desire is triggering your old wounds. Now that youve made your way to the top, do you really want to say yes to mediocre work? The chance to hop onto a bus and go to someplace new could come up too. So take a moment to assess their actions and words. Pisces Horoscope Today: March 2, 2023. Its hard to keep up with all the changes happening especially since your foot is on the gas pedal and you're unwilling to hit the breaks. You're not imagining that frenetic energy. But, Spirit has big plans for you and right now these plans require you to bring gentleness, flexibility and flow back into the equation. That your love will not be reciprocated? So fasten your seatbelt, beautiful, because the Universe has many surprises lined up for you! or your work spouse is not on the same page as you right now. All you have to do is keep fulfilling your sacred purpose. Since you have more pep in your step, you want to take on the world and do more than youve accomplished before. Somebody who has the ability to charm you with both their actions and words. There are going to be plenty of opportunities to go out and play in the coming week. Libra Horoscope Today: November 22, 2022 You want it all, Libra. Also, you want to take time for yourself to figure out the next steps youre taking, so avoiding conflicts and power struggles with others is key at this moment. But your heart always knows the right answer. There may be moments in the week when your pals make comments about your desire to satisfy your personal whims first, which isnt fair because you should be doing that. We mean mentally as well as physically! Observe whats coming to be released so you can rewrite the script. Remember, its *not* selfish to ask yourself what you are gaining from the given situation. 2023 Nervora Fashion, Inc. and Cond Nast International. It is your life and you should always be number one. Create from a space of love and create from a space joy. 2023 Nervora Fashion, Inc. and Cond Nast International. Their inability to show up for you at this time is a clear indication that this relationship isnt going anywhere. All the people who matter already have their eyes on you. Should an alluring offer present itself, make sure you say yes! All you have to do is keep doing *you*. Truthfully, you shouldnt dim your light for anyone especially because of the insecurities of people you barely know. Sometimes its best to stay aloof in the drama in your peer group. Its hard escape exes when theyre posting all over your feed with images of them fawning over their current crush/S.O. You no longer have the energy to chase people, places, experiences or opportunities. 2023 starts off with you wanting to take back your power and authority in relationships. Look for ways to engage in conversations with your heart's desire, then ease your way into more intense discussions with those peeps. Its not that you dont care, but youre unsure of who to side with. Think of it as a vacation from the emotional turbulence you're used to. On a side note, if you feel like somebodys stringing you along, youre probably right. Theres a part of you that wants to experience a meaningful connection with somebody whos in for the long haul. Prioritize self-growth over everything else whilst being open to what the Universe is sending your way. Youre assessing who deserves a spot in your sacred circle, and who needs an exit pass. Trust the process of coming into your own. Sagittarius Sign People Horoscope Monthly. Your internal radio frequency is tuned to gratitude, which in turn makes us a magnet for miracles. There is chaos in order, and order in chaos. Were not saying that all of these rules and regulations are of no value in the grand scheme of things. The opportunities coming your way now have been handpicked by the forces and are propelling you in the direction of growth. This Valentines Day, youre being guided to confront your inner demons and walk them to the exit door. By the end of the week, you will feel reborn and ready to embrace life at its fullest. All you have to do is stand by their side and listen to them whenever they have a problem. Remember, the mind will always take you back to the past. What you need is a reality check to help keep you grounded and to break up any egocentric vibes in your head. Take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns. Allow yourself to engage and blush in the amorous and lighthearted conversation. That way you wont have FOMO when your squad texts or posts on social media. While you wont do anything to sabotage the recent turn of events that are bringing them popularity, you may throw a sly side eye their way when they start trying to get sympathy for their hardships" (not being able to attend a party on a Friday night doesnt compare to the major problems in the world). But, you dont have to wait for something significant to happen before you bring out that bottle of champagne. Change might feel uncomfortable at first, and thats okay. Cosmic tip: Connect with the element of water. It reminds us that all the world is truly a stage and that by finding our centre we are able to play the game of Maya without getting entrapped by her many illusions. Unlike previous weeks, youre not cutting ties with anyone. What would you like the forces to grant you before the end of the year? Therefore, the only thing to do is to swim away from the situation and give them the opportunity to work out their problems without you which may be hard for them to do as youll keep being dragged into their argument. Whats not: Flakiness + bare minimum + non-committal behavior. Keep in mind that the more you fixate on how fast they return a text, the longer youll wind up waiting. Let go of the need to find an immediate solution and prioritize your own mental well-being. Being infatuated with someone new wasnt on the agenda but it found its way into your life. Now's the time to make your dreams happen. Hurting the ones you care for can have major after effects. Your Weekly Horoscope: Youre vying for attention from your friendship group, which is making you act extra thirsty and emotional. Be direct in saying you want one-on-one time. We are being cosmically tasked with moving forward with or without those we love. Instead of running away from the good, the bad, and the ugly that you're feeling toward specific people, you should try to impress them.