1. (vi) Certain Type 1 and Type 27A cutting-off wheels. 1910.402 Definitions. Certification/Validation Program Requirements. (iii) Portable units shall be used only in areas where good, general room ventilation is provided. (This may be through reference to published sources which describe the test methods or procedures used.). 2. Appendix B to Subpart T of Part 1910Guidelines for Scientific Diving tensile strength 60,000 p.s.i.) Further, each operator shall be provided with a set-up/reset means that meets the requirements of paragraph (h)(6) of this section, and which must be actuated to initiate operation of the press in the PSDI mode. Dimensions of such flanges shall never be less than indicated. Adjustment of the location of the PSDI presence sensing device shall require use of a special tool available only to the authorized persons. 1910.95 Occupational noise exposure. 1910.136 Foot protection. (1) Types of guarding. Pulleys shall be kept in proper alignment to prevent belts from running off. Blocks or wedges shall be made of material the strength and construction of which should meet or exceed the specifications and dimensions shown in Table O-11. Conveyor Safety | OSHA Safety Manuals (i) Cutting-off wheels, Types 1 and 27A (see paragraphs (c)(1) (ii) and (iii) of this section). Brake design parameters important to PSDI are high torque, low moment of inertia, low air volume (if pneumatic) mechanisms, non-interleaving engagement springs, and structural integrity which is enhanced by over-design. A means of air lubrication shall be provided when needed. Electrical and/or electronic cards or boards assembled with discreet components shall be considered a subsystem and shall require separate testing that the subsystems do not degrade in any of the following conditions: (1) Ambient temperature variation from 20 C to + 50 C. The OSHA standards on general guarding of machinery and mechanical power transmission apparatus (29 CFR 1910.212 and 1910.219) are very broad and general minimum guarding standards, one of which was predicated on the 1970's version of the ANSI/ASME B15.1 standard, which itself had undergone several . Overhead rope drive and block and roller-chain-drive guards shall be not less than six (6) inches wider than the drive on each side. The safety tripping devices shall be located within reach of the operator and the bite. (A) Presence sensing devices used as supplemental safeguarding shall not initiate a press stroke, and shall conform to the requirements of paragraph (c)(3)(iii) and other applicable provisions of this section, except that the safety distance shall comply with paragraph (h)(9)(v) of this section. (i) It shall be the responsibility of the employer to provide and insure the usage of point of operation guards or properly applied and adjusted point of operation devices on every operation performed on a mechanical power press. (pounds per square inch) or greater. Subpart O - Machinery and Machine Guarding. [Reserved] Spacers shall be equal in diameter to the mounting flanges and have equal bearing surfaces. 1 Flanges shall be of steel, quality SAE 1040 or equivalent, annealed plate, heat treated to R. 25-30. Overhead horizontal belts, with lower parts seven (7) feet or less from the floor or platform, shall be guarded on sides and bottom in accordance with paragraph (o)(3) of this section. "Published Edition". Sections 1910.217 and 1910.219 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 1910.1096 Ionizing radiation. (x) All components and subsystems of the control system shall be designed to operate together to provide total control system compliance with the requirements of this section. It shall be readily accessible and operate whether pushed or pulled. This web site is designed for the current versions of Antirepeat requires release of all tripping mechanisms before another stroke can be initiated. OSHA Catwalk Requirements: Width, Load & Handrail Standards - Lapeyre Stair This preliminary decision will be sent to the applicant and subsequently published in the Federal Register. This prohibition is needed to increase the reliability of the presence sensing device in initiating a stroke only when the desired work motion has been completed. (3) All double-spindle shapers shall be provided with a spindle starting and stopping device for each spindle. Then rotate the wheel 45 and repeat the test. The validation organization representative shall witness at least one set of each of these tests. The manufacturer shall submit to the validation organization the technical analysis such as Hazard Analysis, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Stress Analysis, Component and Material Selection Analysis, Fluid Compatability, and/or other analyses which may be necessary to demonstrate, compliance with the following requirements: Sections 1910.217(h)(8) (i) and (ii); (h)(2) (ii) and (iii); (h)(3)(i) (A) and (C), and (ii); (h)(5) (i), (ii) and (iii); (h)(6) (i), (iii), (iv), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), and (xvii); (h)(7) (i) and (ii); (h)(9) (iv), (v), (viii), (ix) and (x); (h)(10) (i) and (ii). Regulations Respecting Occupational Health and Safety, Decree 885-2001, 5-2.1, r.19.01, July 2001. (5) Power-transmission apparatus located in basements. (1) Feed rolls of self-feed sanding machines shall be protected with a semicylindrical guard to prevent the hands of the operator from coming in contact with the in-running rolls at any point. (3) The top of the cutting chain and driving mechanism shall be enclosed. 1910.244 Other portable tools and equipment. Belts which of necessity must be shifted by hand and belts within seven (7) feet of the floor or working platform which are not guarded in accordance with this section shall not be fastened with metal in any case, nor with any other fastening which by construction or wear will constitute an accident hazard. The midrail may be one by four (1 x 4) inches or more. An upper and a lower die make a complete set. 1910.3 Petitions for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a standard. is available with paragraph structure matching the official CFR Momentary operation of the stop control shall immediately deactivate the clutch and apply the brake. (f) As used in 1910.219, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following mechanical power-transmission guarding terms shall have the meaning prescribed in this paragraph. 1910.265 Sawmills. Diamond and reinforced wheels are included. 1910.306 Specific purpose equipment and installations. A PSDI safety system which has received installation certification/validation shall undergo recertification/revalidation the earlier of: a. B. (1) General. 1910.332 Training. These bars shall operate readily by pressure of the mill operator's body. 1910.133 Eye and face protection. (1) Hazards to personnel associated with broken or falling machine components. (vii) A point of operation enclosure which does not meet the requirements of this subparagraph and Table O-10 shall be used only in conjunction with point of operation devices. Overhead chain and link belt drives are governed by the same rules as overhead horizontal belts and shall be guarded in the same manner as belts. 2 Adapted from U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 479. Expanded metal, perforated or solid sheet metal, wire mesh on a frame of angle iron, or iron pipe securely fastened to floor or to frame of machine. Guards for horizontal overhead rope and chain drives. 1910.241 Definitions. The renewal request will be processed in accordance with subsection I.B. If center to center distance between pulleys is ten (10) feet or more. If made of pipe, the post shall be one and one-fourth (114) inches inside diameter, or larger. broken springs). Where guard is exposed to contact with moving equipment, additional strength may be necessary. (i) Vertical and inclined belts shall be enclosed by a guard conforming to standards in paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) requirements for machine guarding are found in 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910 Subpart O, Machinery and Machine Guarding as detailed below; 1910.211 Definitions; 1910.212 General requirements for all machines; . Full stop or No movement of the slide or ram means when the crankshaft rotation has slowed to two or less revolutions per minute, just before stopping completely. from the floor or platform may be guarded with a disk covering the spokes. (1) General requirements. The employer shall evaluate and test the PSDI system installation, shall submit to the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization the necessary supporting documentation, and shall certify that the requirements of 1910.217(a) through (h) and this appendix A have been met and that the installation is proper. Part 1910 Previous Next Top Enhanced Content The complete text of this part is too large to display all at once. The identified parts, components and subsystems shall be certified by the manufacturer to be able to withstand the functional and operational environments of the PSDI safety system. (1) The cutting heads of each wood shaper, hand-fed panel raiser, or other similar machine not automatically fed, shall be enclosed with a cage or adjustable guard so designed as to keep the operator's hand away from the cutting edge. If the frame of the belt shifter does not adequately guard the nip point of the belt and pulley, the nip point shall be further protected by means of a vertical guard placed in front of the pulley and extending at least to the top of the largest step of the cone. When a bushing is used in the wheel hole it shall not exceed the width of the wheel and shall not contact the flanges. It shall be made of material that is soft enough so that it will be unlikely to cause tooth breakage. 14, 1988; 54 FR 24333, June 7, 1989; 61 FR 9240, Mar. (10) Snagging means grinding which removes relatively large amounts of material without regard to close tolerances or surface finish requirements. 4. The driving point of all friction drives when exposed to contact shall be guarded, all arm or spoke friction drives and all web friction drives with holes in the web shall be entirely enclosed, and all projecting belts on friction drives where exposed to contact shall be guarded. Unless the distance to the nearest fixed pulley, clutch, or hanger exceeds the width of the belt used, a guide shall be provided to prevent the belt from leaving the pulley on the side where insufficient clearance exists. (i) The clutch shall release and the brake shall be applied when the external clutch engaging means is removed, deactivated, or deenergized. On presses with provision for manual lubrication of flywheel or bullgear bearings, lubrication shall be provided according to the press manufacturer's recommendations. (3) Bolster plate means the plate attached to the top of the bed of the press having drilled holes or T-slots for attaching the lower die or die shoe. Compliance with 1910.217(h)(2)(ii). (xv) Selection of bar operation shall be by means capable of being supervised by the employer. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43 FR 49750, Oct. 24, 1978; 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984]. 1910.1010 Benzidine. Conveyors are a wonderful invention and conveyor safety is important. (ii) Mounts which are affixed to the wheel by the manufacturer may not require an inside nut and shall not be reused. Analysis. (47) Repeat means an unintended or unexpected successive stroke of the press resulting from a malfunction. This subparagraph does not apply to keys or setscrews within gear or sprocket casings or other enclosures, nor to keys, setscrews, or oilcups in hubs of pulleys less than twenty (20) inches in diameter where they are within the plane of the rim of the pulley. (v) Air counterbalance cylinders shall incorporate means to prevent failure of capability (sudden loss of pressure) in event of air supply failure. (5) Electrical power supply variations of 15 percent. Other Safety Resources - CEMA (iv) A PSDI set-up/reset means shall be provided which requires an overt action by the operator, in addition to PSDI mode selection, before operation of the press by means of PSDI can be started. In addition, General Industry applications must adhere to OSHA regulations for Ladder Safety 1910.23 (if applicable) and Walking-Working Surfaces 1910.28. (iv) Air counterbalance cylinders shall have adequate capability to hold the slide and its attachments at any point in stroke, without brake applied. Certification/validation by similarity analysis reports should identify, in addition to the above, application of the part, component or subsystem for which certification/validation is being sought as well as data from previous usage establishing adequacy of the item. NASD - Compacting and Baling Safety The various openings are such that for average size hands an operator's fingers won't reach the point of operation. 1910.217 Mechanical power presses. When flywheel extends into pit or is within 12 inches of floor, a standard toeboard shall also be provided; (iii) When the upper rim of flywheel protrudes through a working floor, it shall be entirely enclosed or surrounded by a guardrail and toeboard. (ii) The employer shall provide spring loaded turnover bars, for presses designed to accept such turnover bars. (3) Auxiliary equipment. (iii) The pedal return spring(s) shall be of the compression type, operating on a rod or guided within a hole or tube, or designed to prevent interleaving of spring coils in event of breakage. Prior to use, both the employer and manufacturer must certify that these requirements and all the other applicable requirements of this section are met and these certifications must be validated by an OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization to meet these additional requirements and all the other applicable requirements of paragraphs (a) through (h) and appendix A of this section. (vi) Oil swabs, or scale removers, or other devices to remove scale shall be provided. (2) Type 2 cylinder wheels means wheels having diameter, wheel thickness, and rim thickness dimensions. Flywheels located so that any part is seven (7) feet or less above floor or platform shall be guarded in accordance with the requirements of this subparagraph: Cranks and connecting rods. tensile strength 50,000 p.s.i.) 29 CFR 1910 Subpart O - Machinery and Machine Guarding - 1910.212 General Requirements for All Machines 29 CFR 1926 Subpart N - Helicopters, Hoists, Elevators, and Conveyors - 1926.555 Conveyors U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Publication, "Safeguarding Equipment and Protecting Employees from Amputations", OSHA 3170-02R, 2007 Shaft couplings shall be so constructed as to present no hazard from bolts, nuts, setscrews, or revolving surfaces. Where passage is regarded as necessary, there shall be a platform over the lower run guarded on either side by a railing completely filled in with wire mesh or other filler, or by a solid barrier. 1910.216 Mills and calenders in the rubber and plastics industries. Grade 32510. 1910.425 Surface-supplied air diving. Regulation 1910.178(g)(2) also mandates "adequate ventilation" in battery charging areas. Type 28 wheels have saucer shaped grinding rims. (26) Feeding means the process of placing or removing material within or from the point of operation. Consistency of braking action is enhanced by high brake torque. Where guard is exposed to contact with moving equipment, additional strength may be necessary. 1910.94 Ventilation. (22) Die setting means the process of placing or removing dies in or from a mechanical power press, and the process of adjusting the dies, other tooling and safeguarding means to cause them to function properly and safely. 1910.1030 Bloodborne pathogens. (2) Each self-feed circular ripsaw shall be provided with sectional non-kickback fingers for the full width of the feed rolls. 'They're more concerned about profit': Osha, DoJ take on Amazon's OSHA Conveyor Standards 1926.555 (a) General requirements. Necessary maintenance or repair or both shall be performed and completed before the press is operated. Higher pressures may be permitted, however, to increase clutch torque to free jammed dies, provided positive measures are provided to prevent the higher pressure at other times. 1. Vertical and inclined shafting seven (7) feet or less from floor or working platform, excepting maintenance runways, shall be enclosed with a stationary casing in accordance with requirements of paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section. c. Its employees are secure from discharge resulting from pressures from manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, employers or employee representatives. Upsetters shall be provided with a means for locking out the power at its entry point to the machine and rendering its cycling controls inoperable. (15) Pull-out device means a mechanism attached to the operator's hands and connected to the upper die or slide of the press, that is designed, when properly adjusted, to withdraw the operator's hands as the dies close, if the operator's hands are inadvertently within the point of operation. Where explosives, explosive dusts, flammable vapors or flammable liquids exist, the hazard of static sparks from shafting shall be carefully considered. (5) Blotters. Mills and calenders in the rubber and plastics industries. 9. In addition when unthreaded hole wheels are specified the inside flat, K dimension, shall be large enough to accommodate a suitable flange. The upper rail shall be two by four (2 4) inches, or two one by four (1 4) strips, one at the top and one at the side of posts. (51) Slide means the main reciprocating press member. (1) Use of lead. 1910.16 Longshoring and marine terminals. Selection of PSDI mode and the number of interruptions/withdrawals of the light sensing field required to initiate a press cycle shall be by means capable of supervision by the employer. Both types are reinforced, organic bonded wheels having offset hubs which permit side and peripheral grinding operations without interference with the mounting. (ii) Unused keyways shall be filled up or covered. 1910.37 Maintenance, safeguards, and operational features for exit routes. (2) Inspection and maintenance. 1910.159 Automatic sprinkler systems. (27) Automatic feeding means feeding wherein the material or part being processed is placed within or removed from the point of operation by a method or means not requiring action by an operator on each stroke of the press. (ii) A die enclosure guard shall be attached to the die shoe or stripper in a fixed position. (56) Turnover bar means a bar used in die setting to manually turn the crankshaft of the press. 6. However,current OSHA regulations on the control of hazardous energy sources (lockout/tagout)[29 CFR 1910.147],and machine guarding [29 CFR Part 1910.212 ] are applicable to these types of equipment. and 2. for the combined position. (4) Guide post hazard. Sec. Choosing an item from The hood shall be made of adequate strength to resist blows and strains incidental to reasonable operation, adjusting, and handling, and shall be so designed as to protect the operator from flying splinters and broken saw teeth. (b) Being a single control protected against accidental actuation and so located that the worker cannot reach into the point of operation while operating the single control. A recognized validation organization may apply to OSHA for an expansion of its current recognition to cover other categories of PSDI certification/validation in addition to those included in the current recognition. All surrounding floors shall be kept in good condition and free from obstructions, grease, oil, and water. c. The applicant shall provide information demonstrating that it and any validating laboratory utilized meet the program requirements set forth in section III of this appendix. (7) Feeder attachments shall have the feed rolls or other moving parts so covered or guarded as to protect the operator from hazardous points. The guard shall automatically adjust itself to cover the unused portion of the head and shall remain in contact with the material at all times. Learn more about the eCFR, its status, and the editorial process. (2) Boring bits should be provided with a guard that will enclose all portions of the bit and chuck above the material being worked. result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. (c) If belt is eight (8) inches or more in width. The current OSHA standard for safe distance as a function of opening size is set forth in Table O-10 of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.217 - Mechanical Power Presses. Each continuous line of shafting shall be secured in position against excessive endwise movement. (ix) The control design shall preclude any movement of the slide caused by operation of power on, power off, or selector switches, or from checks for proper operations as required by paragraph (h)(6)(xiv) of this section. 1910.7 Definition and requirements for a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Where brake springs are externally accessible, lock nuts or other means may be provided to reduce the possibility of backing off of the compression nut which holds the springs in place. This table shows the distances that guards shall be positioned from the danger line in accordance with the required openings. 1910.25 Stairways. (1) Each swing cutoff saw shall be provided with a hood that will completely enclose the upper half of the saw, the arbor end, and the point of operation at all positions of the saw. (54) Stroking selector means the part of the clutch/brake control that determines the type of stroking when the operating means is actuated. (See Figure O-24 for one such type of mounting.). (11) Rivet making machines mean the same as upsetters and boltheaders when producing rivets with stock diameter of 1-inch or more. This responsibility includes: (i) Establishing periodic and regular maintenance safety checks and keeping certification records of these inspections which include the date of inspection, the signature of the person who performed the inspection and the serial number, or other identifier, for the forging machine which was inspected. Guards. To avoid electric shock or electrocution, all equipment must be properly wired and grounded according to electrical codes. Limitation: Hole dimension (H) should not be greater than two-thirds of wheel diameter dimension (D) for precision, cylindrical, centerless, or surface grinding applications. How someone is dressed loose clothing, long hair, and jewelry when working on or around conveyors can present the risk of conveyor entanglement. For full revolution clutch presses with only one engaging point Tm is equal to the time necessary for one and one-half revolutions of the crankshaft. This valve shall be closed and locked in the off position while the hammer is being adjusted, repaired, or serviced, or when the dies are being changed. (2) Guard design. (i) Each continuous line of shafting shall be secured in position against excessive endwise movement. Reactivation of the clutch shall require restoration of normal supply and the use of the tripping mechanism(s). 1910.1014 2-Acetylaminofluorene. (c) The safety distance (Ds) between each two hand control device and the point of operation shall be greater than the distance determined by the following formula: (d) Two hand controls shall be fixed in position so that only a supervisor or safety engineer is capable of relocating the controls. Expanded metal, perforated or solid sheet metal, wire mesh on a frame of angle iron, or iron pipe securely fastened to floor or to frame of machine. a. Conveyors are safe when used correctly, but they can be dangerous, and even deadly, if workers fail to follow safety procedures when working on or around them. 1910.98 Effective dates. The third-party validation organization, annually or after a change specified in paragraph 1., shall validate the employer's certification that the requirements of paragraph B., Installation Certification/Validation have been met. (C) The operation, function and performance of the PSDI mode. (4) Guards for horizontal overhead rope and chain drives. (1) Feed rolls and saws shall be protected by a hood or guard to prevent the hands of the operator from coming in contact with the in-running rolls at any point. 1910.137 Electrical protective equipment. Displaying title 29, up to date as of 3/02/2023. (iii) Be constructed and installed in a manner to monitor brake system performance on each stroke. 1910.106 Flammable liquids. 1910.24 Step bolts and manhole steps. 1910.212 General requirements for all machines. 1910.19 Special provisions for air contaminants. (18) Die means the tooling used in a press for cutting or forming material. (PDF) Best Practices on Conveyor Safety - ResearchGate