Neptune transiting through the First House influences imagination. While this is not done to gain approval, it is an effective tactic to make others like them. The 1st House is to be symbolically related to the astrological aspect of the Conjunctionas well as to the planet Mars. With Neptune opposition Ascendant, you may start relationships with people you feel sorry for. These fantasies can alter reality or cloud perceptions. You have a lot of creative and spiritual abilities, but it will take work to integrate them into your outer personality. The energy of the trine wont push you to take action, so this is something you have to push yourself to do. With Neptune opposition Ascendant, you have trouble seeing people clearly. They are perfectly happy being seen as weaker or less intelligent than they actually are. With Neptune sextile Ascendant, you need to learn how to set boundaries with other people. Your emotions can easily be swayed by others, so with Neptune sextile Ascendant, you need plenty of alone time to develop your own beliefs and values before you talk to other people. If you have Neptune in the 1st house but it isnt exactly conjunct your Ascendant, you will find that many of these same qualities apply to you, although they may not be as strong. Neptune in Capricorn, Neptune in the 1st House - Astrology Owl Neptune conjunct Ascendant is a really curious placement because you can be so many things! In the 1st house, Neptune can bring on chaos and confusion surrounding ones sense of self and identity until they can develop mature spiritual insight and relinquish the self serving emphasis of the ego. These natives will go with the flow in almost all social situations. Despite being observant of the world that encompasses them, these people usually struggle to feel grounded or confident in who they are. Neptune opposition Ascendant makes you want to escape, but the only way to get what you want is to gothrough the less pleasant situations. The sign on the 1st house in the natal chart symbolizes the energy through which you tend to filter all of your experiences. You sense how other people want you to appear and change yourself. You may go through periods of time in your life where you have a total rejection of your belief systems only to upcycle them at later dates. I WAS gonna post some more of my raw practices.but alas, I cannot;the piece is still not 'completely' "legal" for me to share.Andr Caplet passed away (a. The 1st House in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology What do you say to Rotterdam, you who love forests of masts, and the ships moored alongside the houses? Neptune, and Pluto in the Houses of the Composite Chart. Neptune here suggests that you are looking for someone compassionate, soft, emotional. This can actually create emotional distance between you and your partner. In the Saturn ingress to Pisces chart, Pluto is in the last degree of Capricorn . You come across as fair and just. People with this placement are inclined to be easy going but distractible. Chris Evans (actor) (June 13th, 1981) Neptune in the 1st house in Sagittarius On the flip side, people with this placement are easily lost in daydreams and they can sometimes escape their problems instead of facing them. You can find a spiritually enlightened romance, but you will first need to heal this aspect. Neptune is the planet of spirituality and inspiration, but also of a subtle self-destruction by illusions, what can be dangerous. Brainstorm: Neptune / Ascendant Astrology Aspects - ASTROFIX Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (June 21st, 1982) Neptune in the 1st house in Sagittarius You may have illusive eyes that are watery in some sense. You may dream up and implement ways to create your own income outside of the traditional methods. People who get to know them better may discover that they are not quite what they seem. Date Name. Their love life may suffer as a result too. A world of contractions. Neptune can bless you with a dreamy quality about your appearance. Before we begin, its important to note that, there are many factors to be taken into consideration in your chart, since every chart is as unique and complex as humans are. Eminem (October 17th, 1972) Neptune in the 1st house in Sagittarius Squares are tough, but they are great teachers. Be accountable for actions taken, and address issues as soon as they become apparent. However, you may alsobethe partner who lies, cheats, or controls. There is also a deeply spiritual quality in this placement. They can come across as very philosophical, deep and humorous. You dont see the reactions of other people clearly, yet you base your self-worth on these very reactions. When it is placed in the first house in the natal chart, you display these qualities strongly. Its important to keep in mind that this planet also rules addictions and escapism. Angular House Type: An Angular house is ruled by a cardinal sign. Many people with Neptune conjunct Ascendant have a flair for entertaining others because people are able to project what they desire onto the individual. If Neptune is in the 1st House in your birth chart (which you can locate here), the planet has a great influence on your personality, almost as much as your chart ruler. Neptune in the first house likes to go with the flow, no matter if this leads them to something good or something potentially dangerous. They make for easy victims. You seem serious and mature, and you can take your time when you're working hard at achieving something. To fully understand how this aspect plays out, its important on the cusp of which house Pisces is in your chart (Neptune is the planetary ruler of Pisces). The relationship can also benefit from reality checks and learning to turn to their partner for help, rather than trying to escape reality for their fantasy realm. In the 1st House, you may find it hard for people to really get to know you. It can be hard for others to pin down exactly who you are. Your creativity is more than just an escape for you. Youre extra sensitive to the environment and can easily pick up on subtle energy that other people might miss. Marilyn Monroe (June 1st, 1926) Neptune in the 1st house in Leo The light side of Neptune in the first house is a spiritual attitude, creativity, and intuition. This placement of Neptune in the natal chart makes you imaginative, artistic, gentle, peaceful. Nothing so upsets the normal indications drawn from the sign and ruler as the presence of Neptune. Look to the rest of your chart to see what action-oriented placements you have. Neptune in 7th House In the natal chart, the house of Neptune shows where you tend to fool yourself. Neptune in the 1st House. They may exude an air of mystery and often display a rather reserved yet calming demeanor. Youll be extra charismatic, creative, empathic, and intuitive. There is a tendency to act according to your current mood here. Since the first house is the house of personality and how we see the world, it means that your personality becomes ungrounded or fluid, despite being in earthy Capricorn. Whether youve grown up in a deeply religious background, or found your own form of spirituality later in life, youre always looking for something bigger than yourself. It is in accidental dignity in the twelfth house. However, Neptune in first house can be a trap, too. 1st House Astrology: A Guide To The House Of The Self Worry and all its attendant ills are very often Neptunian in origin. Expect to have more dreams during sleep, or in the day, in the form of daydreaming. For people with their natal Neptune in first house, it is essential to take good care of their mental health and to create healthy emotional boundaries. At the same time, it also has the ownership of the 2nd House. Make sure to share it with your friends who enjoy learning astrology! Neptune in 6th House neptune in the first house beauty - Astrology Anonymous The sign on the descendant (the cusp of the seventh house in the natal chart) describes what kind of partner you are looking for subconsciously. Franois Fillon (March 4th, 1954) Neptune in the 1st house in Libra People tend to find it hard to put their finger on them and gauge where they stand or what they're thinking. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Sometimes, you may have an inconsistent look or vibe. They do not let a lot of things get to them or ruffle their feathers. It isnt easy for you to express what you feel through words and facts, so a creative outlet is often helpful. You are likely very eager to learn and grow, and generally ready to laugh. Neptune In 1st House - Eyes You Can Drown In - Astrology by InnerSky Neptune in 9th House These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This is both a blessing and a curse, it is a great challenge to exist in this noisy world if you are a highly sensitive person. The First House of Astrology is often called the House of Self. Here, the focus is on the individual and what makes that person who they are. It also describes how you approach the world and the first impression you make. People who have Neptune or Pisces strong in their charts can be naive. You need to develop discernment by learning how to filter out negative energies, entities, and people. Those who turn to their work, often in an artistic sense, will create incredible things. They can be needy for attention and love from others. Try to learn that youre not a victim and avoid saving other people to the detriment of yourself. We may lose a sense of who we are or adopt a disingenuous facade or persona that we have been led to believe is how we should act. Neptune in 3rd House Neptune in 1st House: Meaning, Transit, Physical Appearance | If Neptune is in the 1st house, there is a haziness to a Capricorn personality. Since they lack self-definition, they tend to mask and mirror others emotions and personalities to fit in. Its important to remind yourself that this isnt true. You can have plenty of them with this placement, too! What does it mean to have Neptune in your first house? Neptune in the 1st house can present certain challenges regarding how the individuals deal with the real world. Part of their self image may be built on their creative spirit and intuitive notions about people. Neptune In 1st House Personality Traits These natives are constantly analyzing their surroundings; they absorb the energy and emotions of those around them. You may have trouble making clear declarations or following through on your intentions. However, this doesnt work out in the long run. The area around the ascendant is one of the Gauquelin sectors. Neptune in the 1st House You are particularly sensitive and intuitive, and you have a very fertile imagination. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Floating through life without drive, purpose, or self-confidence is largely detrimental to their mental and emotional health. With this placement, youre a bit of a chameleon or shapeshifter. there is a landscape to your liking; a landscape made with light and mineral, and a liquid mirror to reflect them! People with this placement often find it very difficult to reconcile the contrasting energy that is present. With this placement, you have a vivid imagination and you are highly creative. One may conclude by mentioning certain other wasting diseases whose nervous origin is not yet understood by the less advanced schools of orthodox medicine. That's quite a combo with Neptune, especially for a Virgo Sun / Cap rising. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. With Neptune conjunct Ascendant, you may want to disappear or escape. I strongly recommend that you learn how to ward yourself spiritually. Some people with Neptune conjunct Ascendant tend to have low confidence, if they arent careful to build themselves up, because they dont know who they truly are. At the same time, they may show themselves to be very receptive and attentive, quietly absorbing impressions from the outside world. Neptune is also the planet of deception. Generally, on a low level of spiritual evolution, Neptune in 1st House synastry is a dark aspect: both you and your partner have the constant temptation to deceive the other party, except he or she misleads you superficially, and you mislead them deeply. In fact, many great actors and musicians have Neptune placed in their First House. In fact, you actually find this relationship by first creating a strong sense of self and then sharing this with your partner. The First House in Astrology: Appearance and Behavior The ego identity is less attached to anything material or superficial. Neptune in the 1st house in Pisces In the sign of Pisces, Neptune in house 1 renders a highly impressionable and sensitive disposition. Neptune, named after the Roman God of the Sea, is an outer planet, a planet outside of the asteroid belt. Neptune in Capricorn in the natal chart is an interesting combination of water and earth energies. After all, you cannot help other people if you dont first look out for yourself. Neptune opposition Ascendant is also known as Neptune conjunct Descendant or Neptune setting. This is one way that peoplecan come to know who you are and see the trueyou. Just like others project their own opinions onto you, its easy for you totake on their wants. Usually this manifests as a strong intuition and dreams. Neptune rising gives psychic ability, and when the native is advanced he acts under inspiration; having the power to see far into the future ; when perverted, however, this influence acts most disastrously, giving mediumistic and receptive tendencies which open the way for . Tom Cruise (July 3rd, 1962) Neptune in the 1st house in Scorpio When Neptune transits the 1st house, it will stimulate a desire to transcend the ego and turn more attention to the world around us and the universe we are a part of. Additionally, people with this placement can also appear selfless and non-egotistical. This planet is often strong in the charts of musicians, singers, and actors. You have the same attitude to finances with this placement: you expect money to gravitate towards you. People with this placement may fashion themselves to be very capable and responsible but struggle between satisfying their material needs and their higher ideals. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. You have goals, but you don't rush them. They seek to project a spirit of non-judgement, understanding and intuitive wisdom about life. Neptune in the 1st house of the birth chart is a placement that signifies a persona that is colored by an air of vagueness and sensitivity. Jetta Moon is an artist, writer and astrology blogger with a passion for creativity and psychology. As an outer planet, Neptune in the natal chart is more influential by house than by sign. Neptune in the 1st house The native here has a dreamy and Venusian vibe enhanced by the mysteries of Neptune. Neptune urges the individual to be of service to others or suffer in isolation and from negative karma. People feel compelled to examine where they came from, how their life has been, and where they want to become. Capricorn is associated with being very grounded and practical while Neptune is associated with dreams, fantasy, and delusions. The spiritual nature of this transit makes you feel optimistic and trusting, believing in universal love and compassion. However, Neptune can also bring a lot of natural creativity into your life too. The action of Neptune, taking place as it does, in the remotest fastnesses of the soul causes deep-seated upheavals of the personality. Neptune is the planet of confusion and illusions. Mars is in accidental dignity here. Some of the things Neptune rules in astrology include: In the human body, Neptune rules the feet. READ MORE: Midheaven (MC): Meaning, Synastry, More. Nicole Kidman (June 20th, 1967) Neptune in the 1st house in Scorpio Its easy for others to see your intuition and dreamy vibe in your outer personality. Its helpful to create some sort of system for reality checks to make sure that your relationship is what youbelieve it is. Some people with their natal Neptune conjunct the ascendant use this aspect as a source of artistic inspiration. Your real self can be a bit of a mystery. But youll also be easier to manipulate and might not have a clear sense of self. Their style of presentation is not necessarily ostentatious but can be attention-grabbing nonetheless.