Literal interpretations are usually found in gnostic heretical documents, also those who expand on the condemned heresies of Chiliasm and Millenarianism. The visions themselves ask for money. Dr. Gerard McGinnity, her former spiritual director, continues to support her, although we dont know if he still has contact with her. He was burned at the stake in 1307. Basically, the same error Luther fell into, he believed he was given the grace to reinterpret what the Bible really meant and led many souls astray. Could be the demons speaking through the fake mystics and giving out their names, etc. This factor is found in both true and false private revelations, so it is unrevealing. Basically, a 'prophecy' cobbled together from two different sources. if (IsOver) { (*) POPE LEO VI (914- 928 AD) --Misattribution, actually by Leo 'The Philosopher' above. MICHEL RODRIGUE ' APOSTLE of the LAST TIMES' (present day). choose to stay away! [1] The business is based on Achill Island, County Mayo in Ireland, with other centres in the United States. they do charge for herbs, and at Euro prices in Brazil it adds up to a According to Gallagher, Jesus himself recently encouraged people to buy the picture for protection. } Gallagher, who founded the House of Prayer on Achill Island, Co Mayo, has persuaded her followers to voluntarily hand over millions of euro since opening the doors to her centre in 1993, as she regularly claims to have received messages from the Virgin Mary and Jesus. December 31, 2020 - Jesus Christ to Christina Gallagher - "My Church has emptied itself of all that belongs to Me and has left you My people without anyone to shepherd the flock - The world enters now the darkness of antichrist so there is no return to 'normality' as man sees it" . Listen Could be a hoax based on the hoax-text of the 'Bishop of Ageda'. Basically, "Christina presents this connection to the other world. But Maria Hughes has said her mother, a 78-year-old former nurse, has been a devout follower of Gallagher for around 20 years and it has caused the rest of the family considerable heartache. 20th Century hoax, also, possibly originating from a hallucination, or occult clairvoyant episodes. --- no official Church ruling yet, but obviously fake. The first round of the Investment Readiness Program is now complete. St. Nerses (Narses) I The Great (335-373 AD), St. Caesarius of Arles (c. 468 d. 542 AD), 'Prophecies of Premol' (c. 5th - early 6th century), St. Remy (Remigius) of Rheims (c. 438-533 AD), Adso of Montier-en-Der (c. 910 / 915 - 992 AD), ??? (*) ST. ANGELUS (ANGEL) OF JERUSALEM (1185- c. 1222 ?) St. Malachy - 'Black Pope' or 'Caput Nigrum Prophecy' (2001), !? Gets doctrinal teaching about the resurrection of the dead wrong. You recommended reading something in a separate e-mail from the CatholicPlanet web site but I would recommend staying away from that website, It began by going to the House of Prayer from around 2000 to 2001. -- Protestant pastor / theologian with a Great Monarch prophecy attributed to him, and, interest in the Great Monarch focuses on a 'Protestant' king bringing corrupt Rome to the Reformed Faith. [Next film!]. The list also includes HERETICAL TEACHINGS, and mystics and apparitions NOT APPROVED by the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. We double check everything and your comment on will be taken to (*) ST. MALACHY and the 'BLACK POPE' or 'CAPUT NIGRUM' PROPHECY' (c. 1094-1148) - St. Malachy is real, his prophecies are apparently credible, except for the 'Caput Nigrum' or 'Black Pope Prophecy' which has lately been attributed to him. tLHandle += "_Hover"; People still continue to fall for them and spread them. var navC = document.getElementById("SAW_SideNav_ID" + NavCount); To attribute such talk to Our Lady is an insult., Although her work continues, I must concur with the advice of Archbishop Neary who has warned visitors to Christina's establishments to be "very careful and circumspect in going there., Posted in: Also, seems to distract from the rosary, the promises say you can ONLY use this specific set of beads to get the promises for the unborn, but what about the traditional ROSARY itself, not to mention indulgened beads that have touched relics, etc? Whether intended or not, I do think there can a misplaced emphasis on the true meaning Latter visions against Louis XVIII became more extreme, and, Martin supported a fake pretender to the French throne, which finally revealed the hoax. McGinnity against Bishops who disapprove of Christina, 3. Oops, too late for anyone living today to get the so-called seal! ) For centuries, this was an EXCOMMUNICATION OFFENSE hence this is one of the signs the Church judges by even today to see if they have a fake mystic on their hands. Misattribution - prophetic commentary actually by Monk Adso. no official position from the Church yet, but obvious strange contradictions in the messages, something is 'off'. Thanks for posting that information I sent you a few days ago. (*) BROTHER JOHN of the CLEFT ROCK (b. I try to go to daily Mass (*) 'JOHANNES FRIEDE' (1204-1257) - 20th Century hoax, also, possibly originating from a hallucination, or occult clairvoyant episodes. Sinai the 4th century. - a real saint, but the Great Monarch prophecies attributed to him are either an inventive fabrication attributed to a 14th-century writer named Henoch, and / or, could be a misattribution, the prophecies possibly taken from the 'Opus Davidicum' (1497) by Angelus July 3, 1998 - Statement of Most Rev. (*) BL. Louisville church, other areas hit with 'TRANS PWR' graffiti after OCarroll said that Father McGinnity (SD of Christina Gallagher) was a very dear friend of his. While this was then attempted by the Archdiocese, I became increasingly perturbed by an apparent absence of enthusiasm on the parts of Mrs Gallagher and her associates. Not credible. (*) The 'TWO PATRICKS' - 'INVITATION to LOVE JESUS MESSAGES' (1986 to present day): --- no official Church ruling yet, but obviously fake. Maria said if there is a solution it has to start with the Catholic Church condemning the House of Prayer. Miraculously, everyone is healed with the same herb passionflower. I could go on and on about the things I saw there and the people Sounds more like the Calvanist-Protestant concept of predestination. cannot be forbidden to go to St. James Church in Medjugorje. Christina Gallagher Says Our Lady Told Her That Cardinal Pell Is St. Methodius of Olympus (c. 250-311 AD), St. Ephraim the Syrian (b. circa 306 - d. 373), ?? to get healed, I go to the downstairs to the lower church portion of my parish every Saturday at How do I prepare for the chastisement plagues? navR.className = tRHandle; Heaven does not give useless remedies Calvanist style in that those are just predestined while others are not.