According to Mozarts Cos Fan Tutte, fidelity is depicted as an ideal that is never achieved. . Roy explains the plot, as firebug Doug (David Wenham) jeers at the concept. Its also worth bearing in mind the history of abolition, which happened in Northern states first. Discuss. Much like Lewis protective delusion, Roy uses illusions of a happy childhood to shield him from facing his reality. An experienced student director, roommate and friend of Lewis who is heavily involved in the moratorium (a protest against the Vietnam War). Within the THINK strategy, we have 3 steps, or ABC. Contention: agree to a degree - caged in & intelligent BUT not symbolic of women in general, Body para 1: how she is caged in - marriage & infidelity, exiled by men, not given choice, Body para 2: intelligence - outsmarted Creon & Aegeus (manipulation) - intellectual superiority over Jason, Body para 3: not symbolic of women - demigod &sorceress - filicide - deus ex machina, Research the places referenced in Skrzynecki poems such as Mt Warning, Dont just analyse the poems individually, try and see the big picture and apply the overarching themes. Cosi (1996) clip 1 on ASO - australianscreen Acting Monologues: August Strindberg - Miss Julie read by Miss Julie However, its important to recognise that your essay does not need to revolve around only the character(s) in the prompt but should also incorporate discussion of other major and minor characters as well., In this topic, it is important to incorporate other characters, such as the patients, into your essay, because they are crucial to Lewis development. 20 ribeyes for $29 backyard butchers; difference between bailment and contract. This difference in the two generations assimilation is depicted in the poem Feliks Skrzynecki, as we see Feliks as attached to his Polish customs and traditions, as he reminisce[s] with his Polish friends. The key here is to look at the bigger picture what are the major values and messages that the texts deliver? There are several poems set in graveyards or in Europe where Peter questions his knowledge of where he came from, and his sense of connection to these people and places. cosi julie monologue The play is sort of built around the five stages of grief but demonstrates how First Nations grief isnt neat or linear. Now it's your turn! To elaborate further on the example using Macbeth and Animal Farm: Avoid simply drawing connections between the texts which are immediately obvious. This meant that for the first hour or so of my exam, I was quietly confident that I would be more than fine. For a detailed guide on Text Response, check out our Ultimate Guide to VCE Text Response. 1. If you dont know your content by 9PM the night before your exam, youre not going to know it by the morning. However, Julie notes that the wards are never really dark as theres always a light on in the corridor. In this sense, darkness symbolises autonomy and freedom, whereas light represents the constant monitoring and scrutinising that the patients are subjected to. He fights as you sing prick-song, keeps time, distance, and proportion; rests me his minim rest, one, two, and the third in your bosom: the very butcher of a silk As love is universal, this view ties in nicely with his non-judgmental perspective on madness and insanity. For example, at the start of the play Lewis shares similar superficial values to Nick, admitting to only take the directing job for a bit of money; however, by the end of Cos, he holds vastly different views than Nick. As his life is touched by these extraordinary people and his operatic production (Cosi Fan Tutte) lurches forward, we learn, along with Lewis, that when chasing your dreams it helps to be a little crazy. Both texts see Bla(c)k people disempowered by a range of white institutions.. Despite how frazzled I got during my exam, I stuck to a few key strategies to make sure I didnt completely derail. Furthermore, the issue of love and fidelity that was valued so highly in Mozarts era, is proven to still be relevant in our modern times. Depictions of families in projections of photographs also outline how joy and solidarity can be drawn from community. Whatever boat you may be in, by the end of your study of Peter Skrzyneckis New/Old World poems, youre bound to have a new appreciation for the art that is poetry and find analysing poems less of a daunting prospect and more a something easy to nail. Guerilla warfare, Jungle gym, "seasoned commanders. All by themselves: the best monologues in TV history The LSG's THINK and EXECUTE technique follows three steps in the THINK phase - Analyse, Brainstorm, and Create a Plan. How does Grenville showcase Rookes inner conflict in The Lieutenant? (The Lieutenant). P3: Because of this, change seems more possible in the play, and we start seeing it happen towards the end, as the ice thaws and people, Bla(c)k and white, march across the bridge together. ), Imagery and symbolism are used to represent development and growth (fire and water) as well as Lewis catalytic nature (light and dark).. Similarly, Nowra invites his audience to condemn Lucys unfaithfulness towards Lewis, yet we are not encouraged to feel the same way about Lewis unfaithfulness to Lucy. Feliks Skrzyneckis garden: due to his strong bond to his Polish roots Feliks arguably never felt a sense of belonging in Australia. Cosi essay critique :) - ATAR Notes Nowra uses his unfaithfulness as evidence of the indiscriminate nature of infidelity it is not restricted only to women. Act 1 highlights his uncertainty and distance from the world of the asylum. In the 1970s, those who behaved abnormally were declared to be insane and placed in mental institutions that were shunned by society. You believe that I am cowardly and want to run away. Liz has longed to see Daniel all day, her anxiety getting the best of her, and yet at the moment of their reunion, its not as she expects. Skrzynecki often uses nature to symbolise the migrant experience, as demonstrated by the birds in his poem Migrant Hostel. Weve explored historical context, themes, essay planning and essay topics over on our Like a House on Fire by Cate Kennedy blog post. We also see this regret of disconnect when Skrzynecki writes about his mother and the photograph he has of her and the man that was his father, and how he wishes he had asked about it more. This links to Nowras view of the senselessness of war, which he views as a problem that mankind has created for themselves. Her priorities have now shifted, and the celebrated cake tradition in the workplace, one that is at the centre of several conversations, is no longer to significance to Liz. In hindsight, I know that without them, I wouldnt have overcome my mid-exam crisis and done as well as I did. As seen in Cos, Lewis is unfaithful to Lucy as he kisses Julie during rehearsals. Police and the media are racially biased, and Aboriginal people arent given a platform to tell their stories. Miss Julie Monologues - True Monologue As the woman speaks about her father and brother, the unconditional love and support between them is palpable. PDF Cosi - Study Notes - Mind metaphors: English and Psychology collide Here you analyse a variety of different forms of publication, fromopinion articles, editorials, speeches to cartoons and diagrams. cosi julie monologue Writing a film analysis can be daunting in comparison to analysing a written text. From the beginning of the short story we can see that Liz isnt, or doesnt feel in control of her situation. Throughout Cos, Nowra also explores the relativity of reality. The Most Challenging Scene From Netflix's Julie And The Phantoms He earns the name Sour-face because of the worry lines that developed after Chapels death. Although seemingly insignificant, the brown tabby cat that runs across the steps of Greenwich Village represents freedom and individual autonomy, later comparable to the character of Lisa in the film. Skrzynecki often uses places of transit such as train stations or hostels to showcase the uncertainty often experienced in a migrants journey. As Roy's weaknesses surface, we see the grief and sorrow hidden in the humour of Cosi. Cosi Fan Tutte." She and Lewis argue and it is revealed that Lucy is having an affair with Nick. Area of study 2 - (Part II) Presenting argument. Her everyday objects are splashed with Daniels belongings - the crayon, the gluestick, and demonstrate how intertwined her life is now with her child. Overall, Nowra portrays insanity as a matter of perspective, rather than an objective diagnosis. This highlights Shakespeares desire to focus on the inner conflict of a man,whereasOrwell depicted the repercussions of a totalitarian regime on those under its ruling. Compare how the narrative structures of The 7 Stages of Grieving and The Longest Memory enhance their storytelling effect. The compounding sense of surveillance during the 1950s add more meaning to the freedom symbolised by the cat, which can then be contrasted to the suppressed independence of the protagonist, who is seen invalid in a wheelchair in the next shot: By this extreme close-up shot of Jeff sleeping in his wheelchair during the opening sequence, Hitchcock immediately places the viewer in an uncomfortable position as the original and ultimate voyeur, surpassing the intimate boundaries of the protagonist. For example, despite his sane status, he is mistaken for a patient by Justin, joins Roy in imitating electric shock therapy, replaces Doug in the play, and stands with the patients against Justin. One of the most interesting set of poems regarding heritage is the poems regarding the different sections of a graveyard for the different groups, through this Skrzynecki touches on how most will never fully part with their heritage, instead, even in death, most will reconnect with their upbringing and hold on to their roots. Countless students ask me every year, What do I do when theres a quote in the prompt? In his rediscovery of the heirlooms we often see his disconnect from his background and his regret of not learning more about it. Halfway through my exam, I completely lost my train of thought. For more sample essay topics, head over to our Cos Study Guide to practice writing essays using the analysis you've learnt in this blog! For the patients of the asylum, pretending to give electric shock therapy to others seems realer than kissing and stuff, whereas the opposite would be true in ordinary society. These differences between Nick and Lucys view on love and Lewis, are major contributors to the deterioration of their relationships. Cp4 julie molony opened julie s maids cleaning service on Free This makes sense in relation to Cos, as Nowra is continually encouraging his audience to accept their own reality instead of falling into escapism. Shes fighting a terrible nausea, feeling the sweat in the small of her back.. And hes in there, alone, where shes left him. Watching the clock, think about nothing for a couple of seconds. Social change is a key term here, but the word possibility also stands out to me. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Moreover, not only is Lewis involved in directing Cos Fan Tutte, but he also finds himself playing the part of Fernando. 5. Despite varying in size and setting, they all share a single point of similarity; they all focus on sights of destruction, such as the race car crash or the remains of a volcanic eruption. If you're curious to learn more, have a look through some of our posts onOral Presentationideas for inspiration! we can see how much Lewis has developed by comparing him to Nick). By the end of the play, Lewis learns to value love and friendship over war and politics, even stating that without love, the world wouldnt mean as much. The play ends with a monologue from Lewis that Perhaps this is Cate Kennedy's commentary on society and motherhood. Students tend to have strong feelings about it, some love the melodic rhythm and the eloquent way in which it encapsulates life and others hate it, either because they find it a snooze-fest and would rather read the dictionary, or they simply dont know how to approach analysing it. The VCAA provides the only official, up to date versions of VCAA publications and information about courses including the VCE. Eat well! He also reminisces in Old Hostel Site where he explores the immense souvenirs and unclaimed baggage that is one of the first sites in Australia his parents arrived at. Whitechapel and Cook build a committed relationship to one another; she even says, he proves he loves me every day. At the same time, Cook also provides her unconditional love and support to Chapel, whose education and eventual relationship with Lydia are facilitated by her. Compare how the two texts explore innocence. It's a great read for a young male to help hone your classical skills. God, these endless extended moments where youre left in limbo, the time dangling like a suspended toy on a piece of elastic.. He was known as Boonie (The 7 Stages of Grieving), 6. I literally saw the boy surrender to that whip (The Longest Memory). For a specific type of prompt, you have specific criteria to meet for example, in a metalanguage-based prompt, you immediately know that any evidence you brainstorm in your planning stage should be based around the literary techniques used in your given text. For one of most popular posts on Comparative (also known as Reading and Comparing), check out our Ultimate Guide to VCE Comparative. not just Lewis changing values)., It is not only Lewis who develops in Cos, but other characters as well.. Get in touch with us here - we usually reply in 24 business hours. We also discover that he struggles with the English language, is a hard worker and has had cancer twice in his foot. Purpose:To write an expository essayon the 1st text, and thena creative response onthe 2nd text for Area of Study 1. Fire up the car and drive away showcases how the smallest details of starting the car, something that should be so simple instead requires immense mental effort on her behalf. Give these essay topics a go. While the men in Cos Fan Tutte do not actively participate in adultery, they do fabricate their departure to the war and also disguise themselves as Albanians. Their deception is also a betrayal to their wives. The kiss itself represents Lewis becoming more comfortable with himself and his increasingly counter-cultural views. The flippant nature with which she regards her affair with Nick as purely sexual is also reflective of her lack of value towards love. Thou know'st the mask of night is on my face, Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek. Then, as your minute comes to an end, calmly think about the approach youre taking in your essay (again, this is going to be easier if you have a plan), and start a fresh sentence! As shown through Ruth who struggles to pretend like she is having real coffee on stage, it is difficult for some to distinguish reality from illusion, even if it is clear to everyone else. Writing a fantastic oral presentation is only the job half done, you need to ensure your delivery is spot on. Despite its desolation, it is in the theatre that Lewis feels safe to grow and develop. Cos is essentially a social commentary, packed full of criticisms of conventional perspectives and values. Nowra echoes this view of women through Lewis and Lucys relationship. So, have a peek at the infographic below to get a good overview of what we're saying 'hello' and 'farewell' to: Students study:2 selected texts from Text List 1 (see the 2017 VCE English Text Listhere). "Cosi julie" Essays and Research Papers. When faced with unknown prompts in a SAC or your exam, it's reassuring to have a formulaic breakdown of the prompt so that your brain immediately starts categorising the prompt - which of the 5 types of prompts does this one in front of me fall into? It is important to note that Jeffs room is plain and lacks any decorative sophistication, establishing his character as a simple, everyday American man. It was the fault of the psychiatrist. 52 Monologues for Grown-Ups (And College Kids) A collection of funny, dark, and disturbing monologues by award winning playwright Daniel Guyton. This type of prompt also grants you some freedoms that other types dont give. (Macbeth). He criticises Lewis for prioritising theatre over politics, stating that only mad people in this day and age would do a work about love and infidelity. This suggests that what drives Nick is a desire to be seen doing the normal and right things, rather than an intrinsic belief that what he is doing is good. Miss Julie Monologues. Keep in mind that there willnot be a creative component in your VCE English 3/4 exam (I can hear so many sighs of relief)! We see Skrzynecki in Migrant Centre Site, revisiting the location where he first lived after arriving in Australia, noting that there was nothing to commemorate [their] arrival, this perhaps demonstrates his desire for a legacy, to leave a footprint of the journey so many thousand migrants travelled and not just a slab of cement as if his home was a dead cemetery. However, Nowra also uses the theatre as a symbol of hope. Well be applying the CONVERGENT and DIVERGENT strategy from LSGs How To Write A Killer Comparative and at how ideas are developed in similar or different thematic directions in these texts. This has given the collection a unique perspective, not only demonstrating a migrants journey through narrative, but also by providing the different attitudes and feelings of belonging, experienced by one individual as they try to assimilate in their new world over a period of time. Whenever you get a new essay topic, you can use LSGs THINK and EXECUTE strategy, a technique to help you write better VCE essays. Same computer, same shiny worn spot on the space bar". The hard part of this is that you only have about FIVE MINUTES to plan each essay in the Year 12 English exam (more info on the best way to tackle that challenge in this video!). Do I need to know all of them?, poems are easier than most texts to prioritise and categorise into themes and often have a significant amount of metalanguage. This image of Lisa in the negative literally symbolises Jeffs negative perception of his girlfriend Lisa at the beginning of the film. This is a representation of their modern beliefs that circulate around politics and war. . In contrast, the following shot of Lisa in the positive foreshadows the development of the film, as he begins to perceive Lisa as a possible life partner: Want to save this for later? Example #2 "And for that matter, I have no secrets." - Julie from "Miss Julie." Miss Julie's woeful tale dates back to the year 1888, which was written by playwright. One of the most central themes of Skrzyneckis poems is that of belonging. Should we have more stringent surrogacy laws? [2] The play was adapted into the 1996 film Cosi . That's my summary and some quick tips alongside to help you cruise through the year. 2. Younger actors who do good work include Lawhorne as the arsonist and Olivia Valek as Julie, the drug addict. DOGMA MONSTER NUTS PASSION FISH RACHEL GETTING MARRIED STRANGER THAN FICTION THE DARKSIDE WAITING FOR GUFFMAN WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN FEMALE CONTEMPORARY STAGE MONOLOGUES ANGELS IN AMERICA ASSASSINS In Ibsen's A Doll's House and in Strindberg's Miss Julie it looks as if the women are mere objects. For example, say my topic is Medea is symbolic of the intelligent woman caged in by the patriarchy, my plan might look like this: While that may not make much sense to you, as the person writing the essay it helps me remember what my key points are, which is incredibly helpful if you start feeling overwhelmed. No, now I shall stay . FEMALE CONTEMPORARY SCREEN MONOLOGUES Please do not impersonate the actor's representation of the below character in the film or television version. Including Cos Fan Tutte in Cos also serves to highlight the difference in popular opinion between Mozarts era and the 1970s, while emphasising the continuity of love. You dog with my collar on, you lackey with my father's hallmark on your buttons. We see through these poems how disconnect can be fostered due to the struggle of communication as the picking apart of their names make the new immigrants feel tired, embarrass[ed] and as if their name was that of a European disease. 10 Romeo and Juliet Monologues for Every Romantic Actor This cyclical nature of hope and defeat can be observed in the film, as the audience can perceive the frustrated songwriter destroying his latest work, and Miss Lonely hearts desperately seeking true love in the seedy bars and gloomy alleyways of the bohemian heaven. Examples: Lewis changing ideas on love and fidelity, Lewis changing levels of subservience to Lucy and Nick. The fear of Communist influence in the USA led to heightened political repression from the government, and Americans could only prove their loyalty to the country only by offering others names to the government. Over the course of a midsummer night in Fermanagh in 1890, an unsettled daughter of the Anglo-Irish aristocracy encourages her father's valet to seduce her. Within the frame of the main window, the windows of each apartment act as mini frames within the big frame, multiplying the sense of voyeurism present in the shot. When the lights are turned on, Roy is present, demonstrating that the patients of the mental institutions are the source for Lewis changing perspective throughout the play. The only things adorning Jeffs small room are his many photographs, all taken by himself. Monologue spoken by Mercutio in Act 2, Scene 4: More than prince of cats, I can tell you. Audition Monologues | Sydney Actors School Unlike other forms of text, a collection of poems is not one continuous body of writing, instead a poetry collection is more like a series of vignettes, snapshots into poignant moments, in this case, of an authors life. Purpose:Students must prepare an oral presentation based on atopic debated in the media. [Daniel]d have his thumb in his mouth right now. Good Essays. Clip description. However, what use is your knowledge if you spend your exam trying not to fall asleep?! These "fighter phrases reveal Lizs anxious mindset, as she imagines a world where her son is almost in the wilderness, every man for himself, as though its the survival of the fittest - and which Liz so fearfully express, not that theres going to be anybody with enough time to notice that Daniel needs help, is not an environment where Daniel belongs. It is clear that both Napoleon and Macbeth are powerful leaders. He is used by Nowra as a benchmark with which Lewis development is compared (i.e. InThe Longest Memory, theres a physical dimension to Whitechapels grief. Comedic Monologue For Teen Female Actor. The other thing that the texts diverge on is the relationship between parents and children. In this instance, their desire for each other and the chaos that ensues is liberating for Lewis, as it enables him to come to terms with what he truly values. Cosi Julie Monologue StageMilk final 2 - YouTube Contention: Nowra encourages his audience to reconsider their perspective on the mentally ill by highlighting their capacity to not only change themselves, but enact change in others. Metatheatre means that the play draws attention to its distance from reality. When Lewis discovers Lucys betrayal, she waves aside his shock, defending herself, it is not as if were married. The revelation thus does prove Mozart right, that womans constancy is like the Arabian Phoenix. Which ten times faster glide than the sun's beams, Driving back shadows over louring hills: Therefore do nimble-pinion'd doves draw love, And therefore hath the wind-swift Cupid wings. SAC 3:An analysis and comparison, in written form, of argument and the use of persuasive language in two to three texts (written or visual) that present a point of view on an issue (~800-1000 words). The bell rang. He refuses to define madness, instead depicting it as somewhere on the spectrum of human behaviour. Her husband, Andrews attempt to celebrate Lizs first day back at work with cake is highly ironic. Thus, before analysing Alfred Hitchcocks 1954 thriller Rear Window, it is important to consider its cultural, political and social context: As the blinds roll up to reveal the apartment complex, a medium shot of the wide-open windows of each apartment immediately convey to the audience an environment of an uncomfortable openness. Linking Sentence: Ultimately, through highlighting the development of Lewis views towards insanity, Nowra positions his audience to reflect on the complexity of madness and thus warns of the danger of stereotypes. Not only does Skrzynecki detail the hope for a new future and loss of home common in a migrants experience, his poems also cover other common situations of love and loss, such as his emotional poem Leukemia which details the journey of his father as a leukemia patient. If you find this essay breakdown helpful, then you might want to check out our Cos Study Guide where we cover 5 A+ sample essays with EVERY essay annotated and broken down on HOW and WHY these essays achieved A+ so you reach your English goals! Area of study 2 - (Part I) Analysing argument. Close analysis of 'Cake' from Like a House on Fire, Old/New World: Selected Poems by Peter Skrzynecki, Comparing The 7 Stages of Grieving and The Longest Memory. Ironically, it is through the madmen that Lewis learns what is truly important. These prompts are pretty easy to spot if you see a characters name in the prompt, there you have it; you have a character-based prompt on your hands. Don't worry, we're all in the same boat. cosi julie monologue. The Polish adopted father of Peter, a gentle man who immigrated to Australia with him family from Germany often demonstrates the struggle of the older generation to fully belong, as they have grown up amongst different customs. Unlike other stories in this collection, her pain isnt because the absence of love, but because of its strength. However, Chapel was far more committed to freedom than to survival. He actually learned the tough lesson that hed been hoping to teach Chapel. life as he finds it," is the last line of Cosi Fan Tutte. The prompt is phrased as an instruction (Compare) which invites you to analyse both texts together, but you totally knew that already! By the way, to download a PDF version of this blog for printing or offline use, click here! (Frankenstein). Yeah, yeah, yeah, theyre right, of course they are.. If youre unfamiliar with this strategy, then check it out in How To Write A Killer Text Response.