Nestle has agreed to a $10 million settlement in a lawsuit alleging that the company made false claims about the number of servings each container of its Coffee-Mate powdered creamer yielded. and how they've already been sued by a HUGE law firm Law360 provides the intelligence you need to remain an expert and beat the competition. Read bellow - send to any lawyer you know. There was some privacy knowing that anyone seriously interested in this info. Yanchunis was part of the legal team that . This website publicly posts names, addresses and other private information of sworn public officials including law enforcement officers. Civil litigation/class actions: plaintiff in United States | Law firm I have been trying to get Scarlett ** to remove my data from Blockshopper for nearly 2 years. Were unlisted in the phone book and maintain carefully crafted presences on the Web. As pointed out by Slate, the conclusion of this lawsuit doesn't seem to solve any of Jones Day's alleged trademark concerns, and doesn't even prohibit the posting of attorneys' home purchases (presumably the information that Jones Day didn't like in the first place). Should there not be the option to opt out of having your information posted in this forum? A small Web site was launched in 2006 called Blockshopper.comfor the purpose of assisting buyers and sellers in the market for real estate to find the best deal possible. information is being put on the WEB without their permission. The two sides talked about a settlement almost before the ink was dry on Jones Day's suit. Has anyone had success getting their county to stop giving the information out publicly (i.e. TIMOTHY LANDON Our content is intended to be used for general information purposes only. In the hands of a stalker, an angry or needy client, an enraged opposing party, a disgruntled employee/customer, thieves or a former abusive partner this Web site provides a fast track to finding the private abode of any target for harm. Please DO NOT add attachments that contain your or other peoples personal information, if you dont want it to be visible to the public. What is a Class-Action Lawsuit? - Hagens Berman Its location on this page may change next time you visit. These injuries can be physical or financial, ranging from concussions to money lost on products that were defective or falsely advertised. Mr Tim Landon is also on the board of directors for American Public Education, Inc. Some well-off professionals are learning to hate publisher Brian Timpone. REMEMBER website gets to get away with this. Exploitative Purpose: Right of Publicity If they want to publicize information that a person would normally have to get from county records that's fine. My request was denied. I just sent a letter to Scarlett and told her: That my husband and I are not celebrities, public officials or in the public eye in any which way or form. You may be eligible for a payment of up to $80 if you purchased any of the products between Sept. 3, 2015, and Aug. 12, 2022. The lawsuit specifically invokes the legal doctrine of "public nuisance," the backbone of both the landmark 1990s lawsuits against the tobacco industry and ongoing litigation against opioid . If you ask us, this almost sounds more like a bad Internet marketing scheme than a lawsuit settlement. In the legal profession, information is the key to success. I agree with all these posts. That ought to keep his enemy list growing nicely. Let's explore all avenues. They seem to not understand the danger they created. Join the Ars Orbital Transmission mailing list to get weekly updates delivered to your inbox. But if they get a flood of them, and if it is from an organized group that says there is a deadline to remove ads or there will be a consumer boycott, then it will get their attention. He say, hello l can help blockShopper Law. Please see our Privacy Policy. Blockshopper's BBB review San Francisco, CA 94104 1. Jones Day filed a trademark infringement suit against after the site, which publishes details on private real estate transactions, allegedly posted links to the firm's Web site . Under the settlement, provided to The Plain Dealer by BlockShopper attorney James Klenk, BlockShopper can publish links to Jones Day but they can't be "embedded links." [protected] The site has taken public records from county recorders offices around the country and compiled lists of data by neighborhood block for as many homes on that block as possible. Jones Day also claimed that Blockshopper's use of the firm's name without permission constituted trademark infringement. Jones Day settles lawsuit against small Internet site - cleveland Ive been able to get my information taken down from white pages, fastpeoplesearch, etc.,etc.basically all of those kinds of sites. For more information about reviews on please visit our Conducting title searches or viewing the properties through the MLS creates filtering systems of safety. American Public Education, Inc. (NASDAQ: APEI) is a provider of online post-secondary education focused on serving the military. The Free $35 shipping program works against my shop/customers, so I am struggling with this one too! I can't believe that they are legal? These ### have no conscience whatsoever. Brian Timpone they're hurting alreadyI can tell No materials from this website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way. [protected], CEO's home information Kirks Natural, LLC, which distributes soaps, hand washes and creams under the South of France brand in the U.S., agreed to pay $650,000 to settle allegations that the company misrepresented its products, which are actually produced in the U.S. (not in Southern France). I work for the state government in a protected position where my home address is not publicly accessible. The breach affected over 3.3 million Audi buyers. I have requested multiple times to be removed from this website and they refuse to remove my information, as they state it is "public record". "I can feel my blood start to boil when I talk about it," says Matt R. Dunlap, a software developer in Oakland, Calif. Dunlap's wife, a real estate agent, almost lost an important client who discovered a Blockshopper story about himself and furiously accused her of providing the information. ConAgra Foods has agreed to pay a $3 million class action settlement resolving claims it falsely advertised certain Wesson oil products as naturalwhen, in fact, the oils were made from genetically modified ingredients (GMOs). let's keep it up and get them riding into the sunset ! So is there a lawsuit to join yet? After a few weeks I finally received a response that they would not remove my personal information without a copy of the police report or restraining order and after they have reviewed these documents. Well, well done on the researchI called the better business bureau and they won't take the complaint for the buisness in Chicago as of April 11, 2008. Regionally and nationally accredited, APUS serves more than 70, 000 adult learners worldwide and offers 79 degree programs in fields ranging from homeland security, military studies, intelligence, and criminal justice to technology, business administration, public health, and liberal arts. I just sent this message to Avis Rent-A-Car ( and intend to send it to every business that supports this unethical company. Saint Louis, MO 63141 .". Jones Day rejected the plan. I have updated the Chesapeake Police Department on the cost, and I am hoping that it gets assigned an investigator. 1065 Executive Parkway Ste 200 2. Class-action settlements: Where to find out if you are owed money If BlockShopper wants to link to a specific attorney's profile at Jones Day's website, BlockShopper must state that the person in question is employed by Jones Day along with the text "more information about [so-and-so] can be obtained at Jones Day's website at[remainder of URL here]" with a link encompassing only the URL. If you can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater, you can't list people's information if they have a safety concern and want the info removed. For reasons still unbeknownst to the world, however, Jones Day was very displeased by these links and filed a lawsuit against BlockShopper in September of 2008, leveling the odd charge of . Share your photos and videos with others to prove the truth of your words. Chicago, IL 60614 After that date all complaints need to be filed with the St. Louis, MO BBB. CEO's home information: crossed the line when they decided, without our permission, to provide our personal names, putting us all at great risk. The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customers satisfaction. American Public University System (APUS), wholly owned by APEI, comprises two universities American Military University (AMU) and American Public University (APU). Blockshopper's right to freedom of speech does not include endangering others. The case was recently settled. While the case was pending, BlockShopper agreed to remove links to the condo-buying associates in Chicago. What Is a Class-Action Lawsuit? How Do I File A Claim for Money? Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Jones Day asserted that the links could give viewers the mistaken impression that it endorsed BlockShopper or was affiliated with it. BlockShopper posts information from public records on residential sales in 11 U.S. markets. While the issues of a class action can vary, the issues in dispute are common to all . at peoples' expense and risk They will call the prosperous buyer if that's what it takes to confirm an identity. Except for Blockshopper. I contacted Blockshopper to request my family members' names be masked or removed. to Blockshopper)? This profile has not been claimed by the company. Check out the list below to find out if you qualify to benefit! I am also attempting to stop Class Action Database. I await their reply. Jones Day did not return calls requesting comment.