Sign in. Keep us up to Date; Electronic Reviews; New Patient Registration; Help & Support; . Serial prescriptions last for 24, 48 or 56 weeks and your Pharmacist will dispense it in instalments (either every 4 weeks, 8 weeks or longer, depending on your GP's instructions). Tuesday 6th December 2022 - There is an issue with online prescription orders. Prescriptions Repeat prescriptions, medication reviews, synchronisation requests and more. If you would like to be referred to the REAP therapeutic garden. Repeat prescriptions are normally for patients with long term conditions who receive regular treatment the doctor will make the decision as to whether you can have a repeat prescription. Opening Hours. If you would like to re-order your medication please register at theon-line access. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. Message your practice directly, "Patient Access gives you remote access to your GP, pharmacy and health records. Clinics & Services. If you do not have access to the internet but have a representative who does, you can complete a form to allow them to register and order on your behalf. If you are on regular medication your doctor will give you a repeat prescription form to request medicines. For those patients who are on regular medication and wish a further supply, please let us know at least TWO WORKING DAYS in advance. Outside of practice hours, call 111. Skip to content. // // Valley Street Jail Manchester, Nh Inmate List, Articles M