However, when George alerted the chief that Sadie did not seem to have much medical knowledge, she quit and asked Meredith to leave with her. She was admitted to a regular room on a COVID ward, where she used her connections to get her a tablet to be able to stay on top of the situation at the hospital. [68], She started disguising herself better to avoid getting recognized again. Their relationship has been rocky since Derek's death. Meredith and Derek have been described as polar opposites. After working on a surgery together, Andrew proposed that he and Meredith go out on a date before they got interrupted by Link, who reminded Meredith that she had asked him out for drinks. Meredith called in Owen and Richard to help out. He told her they were done and left. Meredith told her that Richard chose her to make his decisions, and not Catherine. Derek was involved in a car accident with serious injuries. Derek Shepherd (husband) Biographical Information She was delighted to see him and he backed Derek's statement that the sand wasn't real, nor was the ocean or his body. If so, you should read this story! She also donated part of her liver to her father, but a liver regenerates. However, he ended up shooting Owen, though his injuries were comparatively minor. He told her that he didn't need "this" and he didn't need her, breaking up with her for good. She is the daughter of the now-deceased Ellis Grey, a famed general surgeon, and the now-deceased Thatcher Grey. ", suggesting that she enjoys their music. As they lied down on the sand, Meredith asked George if he regretted having chosen Amanda over himself. [33] However, Bailey made Meredith an offer with a low salary. In the end, Andrew was right. After meeting Zola, Meredith and Derek worked quickly to meet her social worker so they could start their new lives together (season 7, episode 21, "I Will Survive"). Upon entering the room, Nancy asked Meredith to keep quiet for once given the vicious prosecutor and let her do her job. Derek tried to calm Meredith down and Meredith admitted that she had been worried about him since he started speeding and the only time she got relief was when he was in jail because she knew he was safe. Derek chose Addison over Meredith, but when Derek and Meredith decided to be friends, Addison tried to be friends with her, too. Her labs eventually showed elevated liver enzymes. The CT came back negative. And Rose and Addison are out to kill. and falling in love with the most unattainable guy at Seattle Grace Prep." More Grey's Anatomy Fanfiction . As he slowly realized something was wrong with him, he addressed her as Ellis. She used to drive a Mercedes-Benz GL350 with license plate MRH 273. Meredith stayed away from Derek but later asked him to make a choice between her or Addison. Since Derek and Meredith's relationship was built on a love for surgery and medicine, many fans felt that the setting suited the couple perfectly and was very much in line with their characters. Teddy and Bailey tasked Levi with taking her to the hyperbaric chamber, which they hoped would help. [57], Following their date, Andrew assisted her as she broke the hospital's longest surgery record with a 27 hour and 3-minute surgery. Meredith informs Bailey and Catherine on what she did. They stayed together and after his mother's visit, Derek decided to propose with his mother's engagement ring. On the day of her court hearing, she woke up to Zola telling her she wasn't feeling well. They planned a wedding, but when they realized that Izzie had stage 4 cancer, they eventually gave their wedding to Izzie and Alex. [8] She kept this from Derek, but he became very angry with Meredith and made her tell him what was going on. Andrew didn't know she was coming back. At the time, Grey and Shepherd were struggling in their relationship and were spending some time apart. She went to Andrew, who still hadn't figured out what was wrong with his patient, and asked him to talk her through the entire case. Picking up her kids felt like running a marathon. What if MerDer were married before she started her internship? Meredith's baby was named after Bailey. After their wedding, they had Meredith Grey. Unfortunately, it didn't get much better for Meredith in the aftermath as she struggled to move on for years. He says the worst part was knowing the doctors were getting it wrong and eventually, the desire to rest outweighed the desire to stay. They performed a tense surgery until Meredith was informed by Richard that her house had been struck by lightning, causing a fire. However, that friendship may have run its course, seeing as how he had sold her out, while in a drunken stupor, to Owen Hunt, while the residents were all in the race for Chief Resident. As he stepped off, Cristina finally informed Meredith her package wasn't a thing but a person: Cormac, whom she had nicknamed McWidow. Alex testified about Meredith making him a better person and surgeon. They started a serious relationship and often had sleepovers. But she was not entirely pleased to find out that he chose Alex, over her, to help him. As they talked over the Zola situation, Meredith mentioned her dream of curing Alzheimer's, her daughter's panic attacks on the subject having relit her previous dream to cure the disease. When Derek forgave Mark for breaking up his marriage and they resumed their friendship with him, Meredith too became friendly towards him, although Mark still threatened her, only half-jokingly, on her wedding day. MerDer Strong-willed Meredith Grey from NY becomes the new Chief of Surgery at Seattle Grace, snatching the post from under Dr.Derek Shepherd's nose. Her lawyer then appeared and Meredith explained why she hadn't shown up for the hearing. Meredith lied to him, saying she didn't return the feelings, out of consideration for Maggie. People from their past come and visit. [78], That led them to reconcile to some degree. However, they yet again had to push him past his limits when Erin Banks, the human trafficking victim, showed up at the hospital again asking for him specifically. There were also some light-hearted moments in the post-proposal wedding episodes, particularly since Meredith and Derek took a back seat and allowed Izzie Stevens to organize the day (episode 22, "Sweet Surrender"). She woke up when Andrew showed up to take over from her. Meredith, Izzie, George, Alex, and Bailey went to the site of a massive ferry boat accident. However, Maggie misinterpreted his look as being for her, and she confessed to Meredith that she had a crush on Nathan, leaving Meredith in an awkward situation.[36]. [49], The blind dates continued. The plane crash also led to Mark's death, Arizona's loss of her leg, and Derek's severely damaged nerves in his hand. Meredith then stared after him, not noticing Andrew who had been planning to set the record straight. This is Addison Montgomery Derek's ex wife" "Mark." Derek interjected. Not many television shows are able to reach that episode count, but Greys Anatomy accomplished the feat in season 14 episode 7. :). but Meredith decided she wanted to stay, so Derek resigned from Grey Sloan. Derek and Meredith were sitting in the cafeteria, he handed her some coffee, having his arm around her. [22], During a board meeting in her room, the others informed Meredith what had happened during the superstorm. Grey celebrated the accomplishment with her friends in their favorite corner of the hospital as interns, which is where the whole journey began. [62], While Meredith assisted Jackson, Catherine, Owen, and Megan Hunt on a complex surgery involving an abdominal wall transplant and a penis and scrotum transplant, Richard gave Andrew a solo lap appy under his supervision. Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd sat in the break room and said their vows. Meredith Grey has said goodbye to Seattle. When April came back after being fired, Meredith liked her even less, because she was way too friendly to Derek. As she was recruiting Cormac to operate, Andrew interrupted the conversation to inquire about a past patient of hers who had developed a post-op rash similar to Suzanne's, whom they had taken off all her meds so more indicative symptoms could manifest. Unfortunately, Cece didn't make it. He said they didn't have time for that "back and forth" because people were always asking for her. During a talk about why neurosurgeons are the best lovers, a code blue was called for a patient down the hall. They spent the night together. It wasn't the easiest of transitions as the couple struggled to live under the same roof as Meredith's roommates. This resulted in Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital being renamed to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital in 2013, after Lexie Grey and Mark Sloan, the two fatalities of the plane crash. Amelia was mad at her for not having called her before pulling the plug on Derek, so she couldn't say goodbye. Soon after, she started treating Cece Colvin, a professional matchmaker, who picked up on Meredith's desire to be kissed, even though Meredith dismissed the observation. She was still waiting for her hearing but couldn't post bail so she was stuck in jail until the hearing, which would most likely be another month. He found her, but as she did a check-up on Meredith, she told them that there was face presentation. After their Post-it marriage, they referred to each other as husband and wife and in the days immediately after their wedding, they had sex frequently, while often getting caught in the act, in different places in the house, by those living there. He was told that to be put on the transplant list, he had to be sober for at least a year, but he had only been sober for 90 days. Alex continued to dodge her even though she knew he was not in Iowa. Cristina had to do his surgery herself after barring Meredith from the OR. She has won a . 408 Meredith Grey is the former Chief of Surgery, former head of general surgery and former Director of the Residency Program at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Jackson moved to Seattle Grace through the merger with Mercy West. [69], She got in touch with a website that would publish her story and shared some titles she had thought of with Andrew, all of them insulting to the medical system. Andrew briefly turned around and waved at her before walking off into the afterlife with his mother as Meredith watched him leave. She went to take it out. [85], Meredith and Bailey set up a war room at the hospital and gathered the attendings to figure out what was going on with Richard. As they got started, Meredith said it had helped for her to have a village of people pulling for her with every complication. After finding out she had been passed over as interim Chief, which went to Alex instead, Meredith decided to hire Cece. After the tour, Zola told Meredith she loved the school and Meredith decided to move to Boston and accept Jackson's proposal. For 11 seasons, the center point of Greys Anatomy was the relationship between Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd. Meredith later rode an elevator with Andrew and talked about how she was assaulted and forgave the man who did that to her. Upon recognizing an Anatomy Jane doll and her own remembered fondness for her own as a child, Dr. Miranda Bailey allowed Meredith to scrub into surgery that day on a patient being treated for an inoperable tumor. At the end of the day, Meredith was talking to Cristina and simply said that "Lexie's dead." This all resulted in a particularly bad day for Meredith, resulting in her snapping at everyone in the OR, including Nathan. [87], She didn't feel comfortable leaving him at home by himself so she took him back to work with her the next day, leaving him to rest in an on-call room. She confided in Alex, who told her that after everything she had been through, she had earned the right to close herself off and be selective of whom she wanted to let it. At work, Meredith encountered Cormac as he was giving his boys a tour of the hospital. When Thatcher quietly returned to the hospital, with bouts of pain, neither Grey knew, until Miranda Bailey informed them of his check-in. The next day, angered at having been left in jail overnight, Derek had an argument with Meredith in the hospital hallway. Cormac went behind her back and told them anyway. She honestly said she only regretted her decisions to the extent she could knowing that they led to Gabriela doing well now. It was a huge gesture that meant a lot to Derek as it showed him Meredith was done shutting him out and was willing to work on their issues instead of ignoring them. After doing so, she started to panic a bit, but Amelia pointed out there was nothing or no one standing in her way. Together with Carina, she again voiced her concerns over his mental state but he ordered her to leave the room. When Mark first met Meredith, he flirted with her and was punched in the face by Derek. Meredith took a little longer to bond with Zola, but eventually, she was unable to avoid falling in love with the child. He showed her around the lab and its extensive state-of-the-art equipment and explained he was developing cellular therapy for experimental surgery to cure Parkinson's disease. While in line at the coffee cart, she ran into Amelia and Maggie who told her about their problems.[74]. [102], Meredith aced her respiratory exams and was prepared to be discharged while Bailey and Richard struggled to tell her about DeLuca's death. But she forgot to inform Amelia, which sparked a fight between the two. Alias Meredith finds herself in an awkward situation whenever the unthinkable happens. While her bad feeling about the project persisted, she decided to just be supportive of Andrew. When he was admitted, nobody could recognize him. Next: Grey's Anatomy: 10 Of The Worst Things Meredith Has Ever . Meredith also realized that she could live without him, but she didn't want to. At the hospital, she shared her experience with Andy Herrera, who made her see that she now knew there still were great men out there and that she managed to dodge this particular slow-moving bullet because he revealed his opinion on single mothers before the relationship could have dragged on for too long. Meredith talked about Vincenzo with Alex and advised him to dig deeper before agreeing to fund the research, but hid her knowledge about his mental illness so as to not break Andrew's trust. Meredith then decided that everyone would get their surgery and that the hospital would host a monthly pro bono surgery day from here on out, for which she credited their generous donor. She ultimately chose Derek and they reconciled. Baby. Lexie asked Meredith about her favorite thing about life. Bailey then proposed Meredith take over the residency program from Richard, who had too many jobs and would step back one day. The two were lying in bed together the day before his death and Derek said that she was the one that saved him. The line was recently paralleled by Grey in Ellen Pompeos last episode of Greys Anatomy. Megan tried to find out from her who Nathan had been dating, but Meredith didn't answer. [112], Finn Dandridge was a veterinarian to Doc, Meredith and Derek's dog. While discussing traveling, John stated that he was happy not having kids that could restrict his travel plans. [9] When Derek found out about the drinking, he reported Richard to the board, forcing him to either step down from surgery and go to rehab or retire. When Alex was drunk, he told Owen Hunt about this incident, who continued to alarm Derek and Richard. She told him she loved him and left to set the record straight.[67]. A shocked Meredith catches her breath in realization. And yet he was attracted to her not only in the w Taylor Dawson should have been dead years ago, but fate brings her back every time. When Meredith visited her father before his death, she told him Ellis was really into hip-hop.[137]. However, one night, Andrew ran into Zola while sneaking out, thus disrupting Meredith's plan on how to tell her kids. [116], Nathan and Meredith were initially at odds, with her disliking him out of loyalty for Owen. The life of Meredith and Derek after the super storm hit in Seattle (AU/My version of season 10 and what live brings to Meredith and Derek's life. Teddy begged her not to die and Meredith said she would do her best. However, while traveling in Europe, she received a call and was told that her mother had Alzheimer's. [12], The group ended up spending four days out in the woods before they were found and airlifted to Boise Memorial Hospital, where they were treated before being sedated and flown back to Seattle. While Thatcher was said to be only. She did so, but Alex turned himself in before Bailey could have him arrested. Richard started becoming frustrated with Meredith and even more so when he looked at her and was frustrated to see Ellis Grey inside her, the woman whom he loved but had almost ruined his marriage. She instructed Meredith to go out and buy herself five new outfits and ready herself for something new, which she did.[48]. Related: How Does Greys Anatomy Alum T.R. Grey had worked her entire life to earn the Harper Avery award, so it was a huge moment for the character and for audiences. MerBig GreyMcGyverMrs. His wife Susan persisted in trying to get them to bond and they began to but when Susan died in surgery, Thatcher blamed Meredith, even going so far as to slap her across the face and asked her not to attend the funeral. She changed into something more comfortable. Maggie was upset when she learned that Meredith had lied to her. Suddenly waking up on a beach, Meredith tried to recollect what had just happened, but then a faint voice calls out to her in the distance. She reluctantly did the exam but took off as soon as Noelle's CT results got back, leaving Griffin in Jackson's care. Levi replied that he heard her voice with every win that he booked. After convincing her that detecting possible cancer was more important than staying at work for two more hours, Meredith took her to the Grey Sloan parking lot for an ultrasound. Jackson challenged her to turn that dream into reality at the Foundation but Meredith wanted to put Zola's interest first. They used to live with another girl named Leah but she moved away. They dated briefly after a long period of flirting until his son started having panic attacks due to his dating. She advocated with Bailey to let Andrew scrub in to watch up close despite his inappropriate behavior before, though Bailey stressed that he was on the thin ice. Ultimately, he was declared brain dead, and Meredith had his ventilators turned off. He said he had more to do, more plans in life. He went on to describe his kids and his life with Izzie and said he needed to be a father to his kids, which Meredith had taught him how to be through being a mother to her kids. Meredith remained on the fence about the consequences of a possible failure. Greys career was also in trouble after she had tampered with the Alzheimers trial in order for Richard Webbers wife to receive the proper medicine. Lexie Grey (half-sister)Molly Grey-Thompson (half-sister)Maggie Pierce (half-sister) She had used the frozen embryos, which he had given her permission to do way back when. Along the way, they discovered they were actually on the wrong date but decided to keep it going. Tom had her examine Griffin, who came to the hospital looking for a medical reason as to why he had made a grave error that had caused a rocket to explode above Seattle. She stated Meredith no longer held the qualities that had prompted Bailey to appoint her Head of General Surgery. Derek immediately bonded with Zola and suggested adoption. He broke down and she confronted him, unable to answer his questions about Megan. Meredith improved and she was moved back to a regular room, yet remained at all times unconscious or asleep. She told him she had to think about it, but that same day, they got trapped in an elevator during the wind storm. After consulting with other department heads, Meredith stood up for herself and asked for the salary she deemed fit. Which is an equally iconic Meredith Grey moment. [21], Meredith was admitted but had to wait for Connie, who was busy with other soon-to-be mothers. Bailey stated Meredith was too good of a surgeon for that and that everything she had survived made her better instead of cold or hard. Several months later, Thatcher came into Seattle Grace vomiting blood. He wished she would have done the community service and come back to work to change the system from within, but she said nothing she had written was untrue and that she wasn't going to sit on her mountain of privilege leaving others to fight for themselves in the broken system that was hurting and killing them. Together with Maggie, she ran some cognitive tests, which he failed miserably. Afterward, Andrew showed some of his appealing cocky side and asked Meredith out on a date, with Link coming over at the exact moment with the same question. No matter the outcome, it would be one hell of a ride. Ellis ends up getting Alzheimer's still and nobody has ever told Meredith they loved her. He called her his most influential teacher, tough when need be. Additionally, she deemed it highly unlikely that the medical board would pursue action her license. She had him explain the idea behind the project and he stressed the opportunity to become the public face of a possible cure for Parkinson's disease. "You're my knight in shining whatever". Payton Arizona Johnson is what most people would consider a genius. [5] Richard's drinking escalated again, causing him to make an error during surgery which almost killed a patient, until Dr. Bailey stepped in, fixing the problem[6] and scheduling weekly followups with the patient to ensure he had no lasting effects. She was sweet. They agreed the beach suited them both. But when Derek Shepherd gives her the exact attention she's been craving, she falls hard and fast- Only to have him abandon her for his wife of eleven years, Addison. Meredith was glad, but she realized she couldn't choose between Finn and Derek, so she started dating them both at the same time until she chose. Their relationship temporarily ended when Addison Shepherd arrived at the hospital for a medical case and claimed to be Derek's wife, thereby surprising her. She did warn Meredith she would come back to haunt her if she didn't do her best to squeeze all possible joy out of her life. GrandmotherGrandfather She showed her profound gratitude as Link came rushing in to warn everyone about Meredith's arrival. Eventually, he accepted her apology, but admitted that he was partly to blame too, he had known how she felt about Derek and knew that she didn't love George. Derek planned to propose to her, with a ring from his mother but remarked to Mark that the timing had to be right, otherwise she would bolt. He walked her back to her hotel room, and she didn't invite him in. Meredith assured Levi that she had forgiven him for reporting the insurance fraud. Meredith then told her that "they" loved her, too. Meredith took to researching lung transplants in COVID patients. When Derek was leaving to hand in his resignation to the White House, he told Meredith to stay and wait for him, just like when he left her at the house of candles so he could break up with Rose. While she implanted an IVC filter, an inebriated Taryn confessed that she was in love with Meredith. Will he be able to win her love or Max loved living in New York, she had everything she could ever want, having a best friend like Derek Shepherd, being able to call Addison Montgomery an honorary sister What if Meredith and Derek had met under different circumstances? He told Meredith he never felt seen the way she saw him. Meredith found Andrew clearing out the lab and he requested some time alone, so she told him to let her know if he needed anything and left him be.[61]. Meredith did not want to be in another love triangle and believed that Nathan was betraying her by not seizing the miraculous opportunity to be with Megan again. The award, in Greys Anatomy, is the most prestigious medical award a surgeon can receive. She comforted her by saying "You're Jo Wilson. She asked if she was his friend now. She declined as she had to go put her kids to bed, but she did invite him to come to the party with her. He had secretly taken off to meet his twins right after the trial. However, she collapsed in the parking lot, where Cormac found her unconscious. They overheard that the patient didn't pull through. He said if he had had the choice, he would have chosen to stay. Although Meredith originally hated Lexie, she quickly realized that although she had reason to hate the idea of her, she had no reason to hate Lexie herself. [14], The doctors went to trial and were awarded $15 million each. Clutching her and Derek's post-it to her chest, the only thing that had been saved from the fire by Maggie, Meredith and her kids and sisters watched as Station 19 worked to extinguish the fire. Gabby was reunited with her father after three months while her mother was still in the detention center. Derek froze. She said she scared him off. Unfortunately, this peace didn't last very long since Derek began to get jealous over Meredith's romance with Finn Dandrige, leading him to fall out with her in episode 24, "Damage Case" and episode 25, "17 Seconds" and have a major argument with Addison in episode 26, "Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response". Maggie is Meredith's half-sister, daughter of Ellis Grey and Richard Webber. He yelled that she was worried about the kids and that the sand wasn't real. At the same time, she found herself irritated by Link's laid-back attitude. Later, when Derek got shot, Meredith said that April didn't have the right to cry because of Derek, but she told Meredith that Reed, her best friend died. She shared she had just ended things with someone though that didn't mean the two of them would be sleeping together, which he was fine with. After a small push from Izzie, George decided to tell Meredith how he felt. Before a date with Daniel, Meredith was told by Richard that her father was dying of acute myeloid leukemia. They live in Seattle just 5 minutes away from the hospital where they both work as surgeons. Robin had seen her primary care physician about it, who referred her to an ENT, but her appointment was still months away. The couple had recently been told that Meredith had a hostile uterus and conceiving a child would be hard. ShepherdGrey JuniorThe Annoying Twins (along with Cristina)Mer-Der (along with Derek)Dr. FrankensteinCover GirlJailbirdWonder WomanMeredith Webber (AU)Bobbsey Twins (along with Cristina)Chatty Cathy She yelled back that she missed him, which he knew. Later, she explained to Cormac that it was tough to pick a new POA as everyone was like family to her. [47], Afterward, Meredith got tired of the flood of questions soon and did her best to avoid them. David invited Meredith to dinner, where she noticed his tremor. The guard came to let Meredith out and they wished each other good luck. However, this time, she was greeted by Derek from a distance. Meredith decided that they should keep it between the three of them. Shepherd was formerly the Chief of Surgery at Seattle Grace Mercy West (now Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital) but abruptly resigned from his position as Chief in season 7 following the shooting. Later, she found out she was pregnant. I didn't write this story all credits goes to "God." Alex, however, objected and let in a large group of people, all of whom had been treated by Meredith. Meredith learns Paul Castello is on the panel. Bailey confronted Meredith about her tactics but Meredith stated that people suffering from the aftereffects of COVID needed advocates, too. Meredith tried to talk him out of it but he brushed off her concerns and took off. Sadie told Meredith that the hospital had changed her, but the latter replies that wasn't true: it simply changed what she wanted, and now she wanted to stay in Seattle Grace. She started to get angry with him, claiming that she should be able to move and not be stuck at Grey Sloan. They left the restaurant and took a stroll. Beginning in season 1, Meredith and Derek were at the heart of the drama as their on-off relationship managed to involve every main character in some way or another. Amelia joined them as Meredith said that a house filled with happy people would be the perfect last memory, as that had been what Derek had wanted. Bailey taught Meredith and the interns with a tough-love method. At the end of Meredith's residency, Lexie died after the plane crash because she was stuck under the debris. It was revealed that she spent time in the city, had a brief fling with a doctor and sought . RELATED: Every Greys Anatomy Season 1 Throwback In Season 19. Meredith apologized to him for that while George pointed out that Richard might break if Meredith decided to stay on her beach. Andrew tried to convince her to go to court while he'd look out for Zola but Meredith made it clear there was no way she would leave her daughter. He tried to perform CPR in the ambulance, but she did not respond. Because of the troubles with the teaching program at Grey Sloan, the two decided to stay for a couple weeks until the program was saved and then move to Minnesota.
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